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Humans And Space Theories And Skeptics

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Well, the spectrometer and how we use it to find out what objects are made of isn't a theory, it is a fact. The Mars Oddysey took a spectrometer and a thermal emission imaging system to Mars to find out what it was made of. (Source)

And you're right we won't ever know until we go there somehow, but scientists can make hypothesis like this as to what Jupiter's core and surface may be made of.

And life very well may exist on all planets and stars in the solar system, we may not be able to see them, or even be able to mess with them in any way. Who knows? We will never know! But, what we do know from our experiences on Earth is that life needs water to survive, so if a terrestrial planet does not have water, we believe that life cannot exist. And the planet that was discovered around a distant star lies at the perfect distance from it's sun in order for water to exist. We do not know if this planet does indeed have water, but we know that the possibility is there. Exciting, eh?

Oh, and of course scientists do not have an answer for death. No one on Earth ever will. In fact, humans have no answers for death, only theories. Some are positive, others are negative. Take your pick on what to believe about death! :unsure:

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Well I think that you have some wrong aspects there I haven't even figured everything out what have you said but for the most part it might be just wrong or untrue. I don't want to seem exclusive but it is fact. Firstly of all we have reasons to belive in Darwin's theory which for the most part is true and from there we can observe most of the development of the humans as speacie our common annecestors and so on. Missing link, is still the real connection between the monekeys and us but sooner or later we might figure this out as well. There are proves for hundred of speacies how and why do they developed certain skills and looks and everything else so nature has some part involved and it is playing and in fact we are all playing with more or less.And this your theory with super race and humans who then become stupid is just wrong because it has been proven wrong. Unfortunately I couldn't and wasn't able to find resources in english to post you link here but it is certainly not true as you are deducing it from prejudice that we are using 10% of our brains which is in fact disregarded and it has been proven that this is not true. Nowdays we have proven that we are in fact using almost full capacity of our brain and only several sectons haven;t been described and there hasn't been theory behind to describe when are these sections active.Today this theory that we are using 10% or even 4% of our brain is nonsense and is regarded as usrban legend. It dates back when we were commiting first brain scans and when they showed only several sections active that is because we showed only sections active at that particular time interval now when we now more about how brain functions we have proven that there are sections active in special situations and therefore we are using almost our full capacity of the brains. Next level will be when our race reaches new stage of development and then we will maybe be able to use more that is to be more intelligent because our brains would develop further.Good luck with your theories but this one is wrong. Hopefully you are not mad at me because of this disclosure but I wanted just to put things stright not to let you live in wrong.

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