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Warning: Mysql_insert_id() Error ... A link to the server could not be established in

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Hello ,.

I am trying to install a game script on my site. I am new to creating mysql databases and adding tables to them. I kind of tried and went through most of the procedures without any errors. But i am stuck up in one place, where i am trying to add games to my site through an admin control panel. Whenever i try to add a game , i get the error

Warning: mysql_insert_id() [function.mysql-insert-id]: A link to the server could not be established in /home/techclav/public_html/games/admincp/admin.class.php on line 163

I tried googling t know about this error,. but i am not able to fix it. I would be grateful if one of the php geeks out here , helps me to fix it. Here is my admin.class.php file

if(isset($_GET['cmd']) && $_GET['cmd'] == 'nc' || $_GET['cmd'] == 'ng' || $_GET['cmd'] == 'ulswf' || $_GET['cmd'] == 'ulimg'){

if(isset($_GET['cmd']) && isset($_POST['input'])){
$exec = $this->add($_POST['input']);

$t = 0; $f = 0;
if($exec[$i] != true){
} else {

case 'nc' linenums:0'><?phprequire("../system.class.php");$sys = new GamesSystem(1);class GamesAdmin { var $output_message; function GamesAdmin(){ $this->output_message = ''; if(isset($_GET['cmd'])){ if(isset($_GET['cmd']) && $_GET['cmd'] == 'nc' || $_GET['cmd'] == 'ng' || $_GET['cmd'] == 'ulswf' || $_GET['cmd'] == 'ulimg'){ if(isset($_GET['cmd']) && isset($_POST['input'])){ $exec = $this->add($_POST['input']); $t = 0; $f = 0; for($i=0;$i<count($exec);$i++){ if($exec[$i] != true){ $f++; } else { $t++; } } switch($_GET['cmd']){ case 'nc': $this->output_message .= '<strong>Adding Category: </strong>'; break; case 'ng': $this->output_message .= '<strong>Adding Game: </strong>'; break; } if($f == 0){ $this->output_message .= 'The action executed successfully.'; } elseif($f != 0 && $t > 0){ $this->output_message .= 'The action cased an error.'; } else { $this->output_message .= 'The action failed... Please retry.'; } } if(isset($_FILES['upload'])){ if($_GET['cmd'] == 'ulswf'){ $ft = 'SWF'; } else { $ft = 'Image'; } $type = substr($_GET['cmd'], 2); $r = $this->doUpload($type); if($r == 'done'){ $this->output_message .= '<strong>Uploading '.$ft.' File: </strong> The action exectued successfully.'; } elseif($r == 'failed'){ $this->output_message .= '<strong>Uploading '.$ft.' File: </strong> The action failed... Please retry.'; } else { $this->output_message .= '<strong>Uploading '.$ft.' File: </strong> Upload Failed... Please ensure you specified the correct file type.'; } } } else { switch($_GET['cmd']){ case 'cdel': $del_subs = "DELETE FROM games WHERE gInCategory = '".$_GET['id']."'"; if($this->del($_GET['id'],'categories','cId') && $this->cempty($_GET['id'])){ $this->output_message .= '<strong>Delete Category: </strong>The action executed successfully.'; } else { $this->output_message .= '<strong>Delete Category: </strong>The action failed... Please retry.'; } break; case 'delg': if($this->del($_GET['id']) && $this->del($_GET['id'],'playstats','pgId')){ $this->output_message .= '<strong>Delete Game: </strong>The action executed successfully.'; } else { $this->output_message .= '<strong>Delete Game: </strong>The action failed... Please retry.'; } break; case 'upg': if($this->push($_GET['id'],'-1')){ $this->output_message .= '<strong>Push Game Up: </strong>The action executed successfully.'; } else { $this->output_message .= '<strong>Push Game Up: </strong>The action failed... Please retry.'; } break; case 'cup': if($this->push($_GET['id'],'-1','categories','cOrder','cId')){ $this->output_message .= '<strong>Push Category Up: </strong>The action executed successfully.'; } else { $this->output_message .= '<strong>Push Category Up: </strong>The action failed... Please retry.'; } break; case 'cdown': if($this->push($_GET['id'],'+1','categories','cOrder','cId')){ $this->output_message .= '<strong>Push Category Down: </strong>The action executed successfully.'; } else { $this->output_message .= '<strong>Push Category Down: </strong>The action failed... Please retry.'; } break; case 'downg': if($this->push($_GET['id'],'+1')){ $this->output_message .= '<strong>Push Game Down: </strong>The action executed successfully.'; } else { $this->output_message .= '<strong>Push Game Down: </strong>The action failed... Please retry.'; } break; case 'cempty': if($this->cempty($_GET['id'])){ $this->output_message .= '<strong>Empty Category: </strong>The action executed successfully.'; } else { $this->output_message .= '<strong>Empty Category: </strong>The action failed... Please retry.'; } break; case 'edit-done': if($this->editc($_POST['cId'], $_POST)){ $this->output_message .= '<strong>Edit Category: </strong>The action executed successfully.'; } else { $this->output_message .= '<strong>Edit Category: </strong>The action failed... Please retry.'; } break; } } } } function add($input){ if(isset($input['ignore'])){ $ignore = explode(',', $input['ignore']); } else { $ignore = array('submit'); } $return = array(); foreach($input as $table => $data){ $query = "INSERT INTO ".$table." ("; $values = ""; $fields = ""; foreach($data as $field => $value){ $value = str_replace('\'', "'", $value); $value = str_replace('<sql_insert_id>', mysql_insert_id(), $value); if(preg_match("/\{/", $value)){ eval("\$value = \"".stripslashes($value)."\";"); } $fields .= $field.","; $values .= '\''.$value.'\','; } $query .= substr_replace($fields,"",-1).") VALUES (".substr_replace($values,"",-1).")"; if(@mysql_query($query)){ $return[] = true; } else { $return[] = false; } } return $return; } function doUpload($type = 'swf'){ global $sys; $ext = strtolower(substr($_FILES['upload']['name'], -3)); if(($type == 'swf' && $ext != 'swf') || ($type == 'img' && ($ext != 'jpg' && $ext != 'gif' && $ext != 'png' && $ext != 'bmp'))){ return 'wft'; } else { if($type == 'swf'){ $newfilename = "../".$sys->swfdir.'/'.$_FILES['upload']['name']; } else { $newfilename = "../".$sys->imgdir.'/'.$_FILES['upload']['name']; } if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $newfilename)){ return 'done'; } else { return 'failed'; } } } function editload($row){ $get = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE cId = '".$row."'"; $info = @mysql_query($get); $data = @mysql_fetch_assoc($info); return $data; } function del($id,$tb='games',$field='gId'){ $query = "DELETE FROM ".$tb." WHERE ".$field." = '".$id."'"; if(@mysql_query($query)){ return true; } else { return false; } } function editc($id, $d){ $query = "UPDATE categories SET cName = '".$d['cName']."', cOrder = '".$d['cOrder']."', cVisible = '".$d['cVisible']."' WHERE cId = '".$id."'"; if(@mysql_query($query)){ return true; } else { return false; } } function push($id,$amt,$tb='games',$field1='gOrder',$field2='gId'){ $query = "UPDATE ".$tb." SET ".$field1." = (".$field1.$amt.") WHERE ".$field2." = '".$id."'"; if(@mysql_query($query)){ return true; } else { return false; } } function cempty($id){ $query = "DELETE FROM games WHERE gInCategory = '".$id."'"; $query2 = "DELETE FROM playstats WHERE pcId = '".$id."'"; if(@mysql_query($query) && @mysql_query($query2)){ return true; } else { return false; } }}?>
Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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I think he has the connection in /system.class.php, which is required in the beginning of the code. As far as I can tell, it looks like thats where the problem is, you mind showing us the code of system.class.php?

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Thank you guys, for posting your suggestions. Actually , there had been a small mistake with my mysql password. I had forgot to add the suffix to my mysql database password, which i had to do. Anyways, i got it working now !!!

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