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War Poetry

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I'm interested to know everybody's favorite WW1 poem or who their favorite poet was.

Just about everyone has heard of Sassoon, Owen and McCrae and being from Australia, I have a soft spot for Leon Gellert, and they all deserve recognition for their wonderful work. But very often a single poem from a lesser known poet seems to strike a chord with a particular reader and I think it would be a good idea if we could share all these poems with each other.

I have to say that my favorite poet is Wilfrid Gibson. I find his poety stark, cold and fairly confronting in it's simplicity and I think this echoes the suffering of the ordinary footslogger.

MadNeck-deep in mud,
He mowed and raved -
He who had braved The field of blood -
And as a lad
Just out of school
Yelled - April Fool!
And laughed like mad.

The Bayonet
This bloody steel
Has killed a man.
I heard him squeal
As on I ran.

He watched me come
With wagging head.
I pressed it home
And he was dead.

Though clean and clear
I've wiped the steel,
I still can hear
That dying squeal

They Ask me where I've Been.
And what I've done and seen.
But what can I reply?
Who knows it wasn't I,
But someone just like me,
Who went across the sea,
And with my head and hands,
Killed men in foreign lands.
Though I must bear the blame,
Because he bore my name.

Notice from BuffaloHELP:
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When the world was young, and men were weak,And the fiends of the night walked free..
I strove with Set by fire and steel
And the juice of the Upas tree.

Now that I sleep in the mound's black heart
And the ages take their toll
Forget ye he who fought with the Snake
To save the human soul!

What do I know of 'civilized' ways,
the gilt, the craft and the lie..
I who was born in a naked land
and bred under a naked sky!

The subtle tongue, the Sophist guile,
They fail when the broadswords sing!!
Rush in and die, dogs! I was a man..
BEFORE I was a King!!!

Notice from BuffaloHELP:
R.E. Howard, "The Road of Kings,"

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Looking forward to it - Gibson's poetry is superb

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Not much of a person who listens to music or poetry but those poems were really good and I did enjoy reading hem, even if you gusy did not make them, anyway they were really well wriitenn and its hard to believe thats those poems were written doing war times

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