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Css Alignment Problem firefox vs ie

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Hi guys, I'm having problems connecting the header and the body on this page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


It works in firefox, but in IE there is a gap after the header. The PHP:


/*** template_name - Mambo 4.5.1 template* @version 4.5.1*
@copyright ďż˝ 2006 by paul mason* @license licensce info here*/

defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
$iso = split( '=', _ISO );echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'. $iso[1] .'"?' .'>';


<head> <?php if ( $my->id ) initEditor(); ?>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; <?php echo _ISO; ?>" />

<?php mosShowHead(); ?><?php echo "<meta name=\"author\" content=\"mambosolutions.com; />" ?>

<?php echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$GLOBALS[mosConfig_live_site]/templates/$GLOBALS[cur_template]/css/template_css.css\" type=\"text/css\"/>"; ?> <?php echo "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"$GLOBALS[mosConfig_live_site]/images/favicon.ico\" />"; ?> </head> <body> <center><div id="wrapper"> <dl id="header"> <dd><a id="home" title="Home" href="locborg.de/newfru/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1; <dd><a id="news" title="News" href="locborg.de/newfru/index.php?option=com_content&task=category§ionid=1&id=1&Itemid=101; <dd><a id="articles" title="Articles" href="locborg.de/newfru/index.php?option=com_content&task=category§ionid=28&id=100&Itemid=124; <dd><a id="arts" title="Arts" href="locborg.de/newfru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=798&Itemid=146; <dd><a id="forum" title="Forum" href="locborg.de/smf/index.php; <dd><a id="discography" title="Discography" href="locborg.de/newfru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=52; <dd><a id="equipment" title="Equipment" href="locborg.de/newfru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=748&Itemid=138; <dd><a id="concerts" title="Concerts" href="locborg.de/newfru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=211&Itemid=125; <dd><a id="sideprojects" title="Side Projects" href="locborg.de/newfru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=785&Itemid=142; <dd><a id="contactus" title="Contact Us" href="locborg.de/newfru/index.php?option=com_contact&Itemid=3; <dd><a id="links" title="Links" href="locborg.de/newfru/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=99&Itemid=121; </dl> <div id="main"> <div id="content"> <?php mosMainBody(); ?> </div> <div id="menuarea"> <?php mosLoadModules ( 'right' ); ?> </div> </div> </div></center> </body></html>

The CSS:

BODY { margin : 0px 0px 0px 0px; background-color : #FFFFFF; color : #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF;}/* custom code */#wrapper { width:980px; text-align:left; margin: 0 auto; border:solid 0px;}#header { display:block; position: relative; width: 924px; height: 290px; background: url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/header.jpg) no-repeat;}#header a { color:#000; font-family:arial, sans-serif; font-size:1.2em; font-weight:bold; text-transform:uppercase;}a#home { display:block; width:81px; height:0; padding-top:87px; overflow:hidden; position:absolute; left:59px; top:115px; background:transparent url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/home.gif) no-repeat 400px 400px;}* html a#home {height:87px; he\ight:0;}a#home:hover { background-position: 0 0; overflow:visible;}a#news { display:block; width:81px; height:0; padding-top:80px;overflow:hidden; position:absolute; left:125px; top:189px; background:transparent url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/news.gif) no-repeat 400px 400px;}* html a#news {height:80px; he\ight:0;}a#news:hover { background-position: 0 0; overflow:visible;}a#articles { display:block; width:98px; height:0; padding-top:90px;overflow:hidden; position:absolute; left:186px; top:106px; background:transparent url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/articles.gif) no-repeat 400px 400px;}* html a#articles {height:90px; he\ight:0;}a#articles:hover { background-position: 0 0; overflow:visible;}a#arts { display:block; width:84px; height:0; padding-top:96px;overflow:hidden; position:absolute; left:243px; top:179px; background:transparent url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/arts.gif) no-repeat 400px 400px;}* html a#arts {height:96px; he\ight:0;}a#arts:hover { background-position: 0 0; overflow:visible;}a#forum { display:block; width:99px; height:0; padding-top:74px;overflow:hidden; position:absolute; left:309px; top:126px; background:transparent url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/forum.gif) no-repeat 400px 400px;}* html a#forum {height:74px; he\ight:0;}a#forum:hover { background-position: 0 0; overflow:visible;}a#discography { display:block; width:131px; height:0; padding-top:84px;overflow:hidden; position:absolute; left:365px; top:194px; background:transparent url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/discography.gif) no-repeat 400px 400px;}* html a#discography {height:84px; he\ight:0;}a#discography:hover { background-position: 0 0; overflow:visible;}a#equipment { display:block; width:133px; height:0; padding-top:75px;overflow:hidden; position:absolute; left:439px; top:114px; background:transparent url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/equipment.gif) no-repeat 400px 400px;}* html a#equipment {height:75px; he\ight:0;}a#equipment:hover { background-position: 0 0; overflow:visible;}a#concerts { display:block; width:107px; height:0px; padding-top:87px;overflow:hidden; position:absolute; left:524px; top:197px; background:transparent url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/concerts.gif) no-repeat 400px 400px;}* html a#concerts {height:87px; he\ight:0;}a#concerts:hover { background-position: 0 0; overflow:visible;}a#sideprojects { display:block; width:166px; height:0; padding-top:77px;overflow:hidden; position:absolute; left:582px; top:105px; background:transparent url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/sideprojects.gif) no-repeat 400px 400px;}* html a#sideprojects {height:77px; he\ight:0;}a#sideprojects:hover { background-position: 0 0; overflow:visible;}a#contactus { display:block; width:126px; height:0; padding-top:91px;overflow:hidden; position:absolute; left:688px; top:183px; background:transparent url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/contactus.gif) no-repeat 400px 400px;}* html a#contactus {height:91px; he\ight:0;}a#contactus:hover { background-position: 0 0; overflow:visible;}a#links { display:block; width:92px; height:0; padding-top:72px;overflow:hidden; position:absolute; left:767px; top:99px; background:transparent url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/links.gif) no-repeat 400px 400px;}* html a#links {height:72px; he\ight:0;}a#links:hover { background-position: 0 0; overflow:visible;}#main { position: relative; top: -11px; width: 924px; height: 643px; float: left; background: url(locborg.de/newfru/templates/newfru/images/main.jpg) no-repeat;}#content { display:block; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; padding:5px; margin-top:5px; width:550px; height:475px; position:absolute; left:65px; top:5px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; } #menuarea { display:block; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; padding:5px; margin-top:5px; width:200px; height:475px; position:absolute; left:635px; top:-5px; overflow:hidden; }/* end of custom code */td, tr, p, div { font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 11px; color : #333333;}ul { margin : 0px 0px 0px 0px;}hr { background : #CCCCCC; height : 1px; width : 100%;}.title {font-family: sans-serif;font-size: 24px;font-weight: bold;color : #7B8DA1;}.pathway { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #000000;}a.pathway:link, a.pathway:visited { color : #000000; font-weight : normal;}a.pathway:hover { color : #000000; font-weight : normal; text-decoration : underline;}/* --Default Class Settings-- */a.mainlevel:link, a.mainlevel:visited { color: #333333; background-position: left; text-align: left; font-weight: bold; }a.mainlevel:hover { color: #000000; background-position: left; text-align: left; } a.mainmenu:link, a.mainmenu:visited { color: #333333; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, serif; font-weight: bold; }a.mainmenu:hover { color: #000000; text-decoration: underline; }a.sublevel:hover { color: #000000; text-decoration: underline; }a.sublevel:link, a.sublevel:visited { color: #333333; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, serif; font-weight: normal;}table.moduletable { margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: 95%; border-left: solid 0px #000000; border-right: solid 0px #000000; border-top: solid 0px #000000; border-bottom: solid 0px #000000; margin-left: 5px; }table.moduletable th { font-size : 11px; font-weight : bold; color : #000000; text-align : left; width : 100%; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; margin: 20px 5px 20px 5px;}table.moduletable td { font-size: 10px; font-weight: normal; border: 1px solid #333; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; margin: 20px 5px 20px 5px; background-color: #F8F8FF;}.poll { font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; color : #666666; line-height : 14px;}.sectiontableheader { background-color : #CCCCCC; color : #7B8DA1; font-weight : bold;}.sectiontableentry1 { background-color : #F0F0F0;}.sectiontableentry2 { background-color : #E0E0E0;}.small { font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; color : #3366C0; text-decoration : none;}.smalldark { font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; color : #000000; text-decoration : none; font-weight : normal;}.contentpane { background : #FFFFFF;}.contentpaneopen { background : transparent;}.contentheading, .componentheading { font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 11px; font-weight : bold; color : #7B8DA1; text-align : left;}.createdate { font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; color : #999999; text-align : left;}.button { font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style : normal; font-size : 10px; font-weight : bold; background-color : #F0F0F0; color : #000000; border : 1px solid #CCCCCC;}.inputbox { font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; color : #000000; background-color : #F0F0F0; border : 1px solid #CCCCCC;}a:link, a:visited { font-size : 11px; color : #000000; text-decoration : none; font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}a:hover { color : #000000; text-decoration : underline;}/* For content item titles that are hyperlink instead of Read On */a.contentpagetitle:link, a.contentpagetitle:visited { font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; color: #000000; text-align:left; }a.contentpagetitle:hover { font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; text-align:left; color: #7B8DA1; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; }a.category:link, a.category:visited { color : #333333; font-weight : bold;}a.category:hover { color : #7B8DA1;}/* Styles for dhtml tabbed-pages */.ontab { background-color: #ffae00; border-left: outset 2px #ff9900; border-right: outset 2px #808080; border-top: outset 2px #ff9900; border-bottom: solid 1px #d5d5d5; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF;}.offtab { background-color : #e5e5e5; border-left: outset 2px #E0E0E0; border-right: outset 2px #E0E0E0; border-top: outset 2px #E0E0E0; border-bottom: solid 1px #d5d5d5; text-align: center; font-weight: normal;}.tabpadding {}.tabheading { background-color: #ffae00; text-align: left;}.pagetext { visibility: hidden; display: none; position: relative; top: 0;}/* for modifying {moscode} output. Dont set the colour! */.moscode { background-color: #f0f0f0;}/* Text passed with mosmsg url parameter */.message { font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size : 10pt; color : #ff6600; text-align: center;}/* custom stuff */.container{ border: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #efefef; background-color: White;}.boxes { border: solid; border-color: #efefef; border-width: 1px;}

Notice from electriic ink:
Please use the CODEBOX bbcode tag for long pieces of code. CODEBOX tags added.

Edited by OpaQue (see edit history)

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*Edit: Never mind, you fixed that part in an edit.
Change this bit of code in your css file from:

#header {	display:block;	position: relative;	width: 924px;	height: 290px;	background: url(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; no-repeat;}


#header {	margin: 0px;	display:block;	position: relative;	width: 924px;	height: 290px;	background: url(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; no-repeat;}

The problem was that firefox gives <div> tags a default margin of 0, and IE does not.
Edited by daler (see edit history)

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Well here is a more effective way to do this, I had to add a positive and negative margins in order to fix your problem. In fact your problem had to do with a 34px margin in your wrapper/header area. It's not in the CSS but with what I used counter act with it. Change the Following in your CSS and your set.

#header {	display:block;	position: relative;	width: 924px;	height: 290px;	margin-bottom:14px;	background: url(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; no-repeat;}

#main {	position: relative;	margin-top:-15px;	width: 924px;	height: 643px;	float: left;	background: url(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; no-repeat;}

Problem with daler code is that your main content background gets cut off the margins I provided corrects that

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As a form of protection against the different methods used by Browsers for defining default margins and paddings, I often set the html (or body) element's margins and paddings to zero and then let it cascade down to the child elements below it, changing those which I think are in need of padding and or margins.

html { margin:0; padding: 0;}

When the value is equal to zero, you need not declare a unit of size, otherwise, pixels or em's are needed to define which unit you want used for the margins or padding.
Hope this helps.

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Hey Saint Michael I get what your saying.

I did it this way however so that i don't have to use minus alignment.

#header {	margin: 0px;	display:block;	position: relative;	width: 924px;	height: 290px;	background: url(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; no-repeat;}

#main {	position: relative;	top: 0px;	width: 924px;	height: 643px;	float: left;	background: url(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; no-repeat;}

This seems to work.

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It works, it takes care of the cut off problem and all you did was add in the margin and put the top to 0 px. Thus another mystery is solved gang.Either method works but in this crazy world of web design simple is better :lol:.

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