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I Am Having Problems With My Cpanel And Ftp started soon after a subdomain name change.

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About a month ago, I paid for my website to change it's subdomain from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


Since the change, however, wierd things have happened. The first thing I noticed is that the CPanel started claiming that, apart from the bandwidth and space limits, I was allowed an unlimited number of anything!


I overlooked this problem, thinking it was just a usual side effect of the move and that it would be fixed at next reboot, but then a few days later, I tried to add an addon domain, and after adding it, I was told my limit for addon domains was 0, and the pages stopped working. Weirdly, however, it still sems to have added it! Even worse, the option for it has disappeared from the CPanel! The account information also showed this after it happened:


Posted Image


And today it got to it's worst - since about half an hour ago, every time I try to upload, remove, chnage the permisions, or otherwise do something to the file system, whether through the CPanel or FTP, I keep getting "Read-Only File System" Errors!


In despiration, I decided to inform you people and ask for some support. I have no idea what on earth is going on, and I REALLY hope you can fix it. Otherwise I shall have to leave this wonderfully superior host :) .


My website is at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, and if you need my CPanel or FTP info, please feel free to PM me or e-mail, I'll reveal.

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Well, here goes.


Most of the settings are supposed to be unlimited!


The number of domains error is due to external server processes reconfiguring the server records and causing the read-only mode. this is for your protection.


Currently, we are migrating several hosting accounts between servers and while they are being proccessed, the server goes into read only mode and the editing of certain settings like domains and, subdomains, etc are offline. This prevents data being lost during the transfers previously mentioned.


It would be like your computer telling you no when you try to burn a DVD during a virus scan. It saves everyone a lot of trouble in the end.


The cycle goes like so:

Server goes into read only mode which usually doesn't affect the end user of your website unless you use some old flatfile database system

The server processes whatever tasks it was told to work on.

The server finishes the processes and updates the server configuration.

The server reboots and finished the reconfiguration process.

The nameserver, mySQL server, mailserver are all relinked and the hosting service is back to 100% again.

This whole process usually only takes about an hour. Today seemed to be longer.


If you have specific issues with your cPanel, please request support for it. Posting a general problem during a general outage in a less than descriptive way doesn't help.

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The problem with the domain miscalculation has existed for several days. I wouldn't think that was the problem.


As for unlimiteds, yes I am aware that most of them should be, but a lot of them shouldn't. And at the moment, they ALL are.


And how was my post less than descriptive?!? I have given you as much description as is humanly possible, and you need MORE?!?


Where should I get support, then? I am not seeing any attempts to help as of yet...

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This was noted and mentioned before. I believe I have explained it but I'll do it again.It seems like when cPanel was upgraded from two previous versions ago, the value "unlimited" is not recognized by newer versions of cpanel. And therefore I have asked members to report all malfunctioning cpanel features to me.And to solve the issue with "unlimited" I have changed to the value of 99. Why only 99? It's because statistic shows that no member has used over 45. So I just made it 99 for now and PM me when you need more.NDPA, your cpanel issues is not clear when actually happened. Perhaps your information was lost during the lastest upgrade. However it happened, I have fixed your settings under your cPanel. Check it and get back to me via PM.I apologize for your inconvenience :)

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Thank you Buffalo. The problems seem to have been sorted out now, and I have removed the faulty add-on domain. Thanks a bundle for your help.Appologies for not giving actual times of the errors in any of my posts, as I hadn't kept track.By the way, is it possible to change my CPanel username? Or for that matter, my username on these forums?

Edited by NDPA (see edit history)

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Thank you Buffalo. The problems seem to have been sorted out now, and I have removed the faulty add-on domain. Thanks a bundle for your help.

You're welcome.

By the way, is it possible to change my CPanel username? Or for that matter, my username on these forums?

This is a different topic. Please stay within one topic at a time. cPanel name cannot be changed by you. If you really desire this change please PM me and I will have to look it up so that it's not taken. As for your forum username, I do not encourage a habit of changing it but you can PM me *AFTER* you searched the forum to see if it's not taken.
Please PM me both desired changing names to me.

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