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No More Private Schools

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just to add a little bit more, not all private schools really offer a better environment. the school that i went to had a great reputation, but to the students who actually knew what was going on, there were more drugs there than at a public school.really because the people in private schools have the money, public schools kids smoke weed and drink, but there was hardly a time in the private school that i went to that you couldnt walk into a bathroom and find someone using cocaine or shooting up heroine. money is the root of all evil they say right?

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If kids have more money and the parents are willing to pay it, they can get a better education and more personal help. It seems unfair to the kids that cannot afford to pay the money to go to a private school, yet they need to be.

i don't see anything unfair about going to a private school. in fact that's more of a privilege. i believe someone has mentioned before that middle-class families strive hard enough to bring their kids to private school. not only that, there are private schools, like catholic schools that cater to specific religions in order for students to become more attached to their religion and at the same time enhance their other abilities thru the school itself.

Get rid of private schools and turn them into regular schools. Would it really hurt those kids in the private schools to go to a public school? I thought about this for colleges too, making them all cheaper and the same price, but I figured that wouldn't be fair to the professors that know more than the others. But, something does need to be done about that too. It's really not fair that people with more money can produce more successful kids. For example, I have a friend in a private school. He has about 20 people in his class compared to the 600 in mine. One of his reasons he went was because everyone that goes to that school makes the basketball team. It's not fair that I will have to work hard to make my basketball team (if I do make it) when he is automatically on his team. Don't get me wrong, I am really good friends with him and I do respect his school, I just don't like the idea of a private school. And it's not just private schools, but any schools that require extra money to get into. Anyone else feel like this?

well, it's not really the kids who will decide on that, it's their parents. and i don't think changing private schools would be as simple as that.

i think another person has also mentioned that it's obvious for your friend to be easily included in the team since they only have few people there. and if you ever have to work yourself up to get a slot, then it means that there are lots of people who really have the potential to be in the team. who knows, the team that would be created would be far better than your friend's team. just because he easily got in doesn't mean he's more or less better than anybody else. of course the training would help a lot. anyway, the problem arises if only your class can support more than one teams. of course financially, it would be a problem since public schools don't have enough funding for more than one team, let alone train them. if this would have been your argument then i would understand how you feel. but to just let it out and say private schools should be removed just because of that... well, maybe you have to rethink about it.

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