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Hard To Witness A Kid Being Bullied Around

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just like life, it's not how you want it but surely it gets better? there's a asian kid at school and he gets teased an d everything pretty much everyday, I 'm not sure if i should step in or not, i know i should but it's not that easy,,,, or is it? i have no clue! i feel bad for him but what can i do???? he gets agrovated easily and then chucks a mental then goes and cries which makes everyone bully him more. also being a christian in a non-christian environment is not easy. there were some poeple in maths next to me saying that there is no God and that if there were why would he want us? i think i should have said something but what? is it too late? hmmmmmi find that when i'm hanging out with a particualr group of "friends" that i would say stuff i wouldn't normally say and shouldn't say, i realize it too late though.... just a bad habit i got into i guess,,,, how do i get out of it?i hope i'm not bringing my troubles on you but please help?

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randomdood, you are right, you should have step up, and defend the miserable boy. He done nothing wrong but the people who are teasing him did. What you can do, is to ask those guys why are they teasing him. And if they said it is for fun, then you can punch them on their eyes!! I'm just kidding, talk with them as a grown-up, try to convince them that the boy has done nothing wrong to treat him so bad. If they don't understand then one day they will be punished for their acts.Those people who don't beleive in God are pethetic people who thinks that we are in this world by coincidence, who else then God can think of such a complex plan to make this world move one, it is definitely not a human being. Those people doesn't want to go search about the prooves of God's existence, they are too lazy to do it. So they pretend God don't exist and that way they stop praying and reading holy books.Why would he want us? He created us, if he didn't want us than he would have replacedus by other creatures. Or maybe god wouldn't have made this universe ffrom the begining.It is normal that when you hang out with a certain kind of people then, after a while, you will be talking like them, dressing like them, doing all what they do, the good and the bad. If those people aren't matching your personality then you should leave them and search for someone with who you can be comfortable with. And who cares if you ain't popular in school no more?! Only jeerks think that way, and people who has nothing to do but to pick up the best outfit for their body.

Edited by Hadi (see edit history)

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That asian kid needs a friend. All this bullying may make the kid lose hope in finding a friend. If i were in your place, i'd try to divert the bullying over to me. A person that knows how to cry can't be all that bad. That person requires support in time of need.


And forget about these anti-God questions. They're all invalid to begin with. Show them that there is a God by helping out that kid.

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If you really feel bad for the kid then you should help him. You will be on risk of getting teased too, but you will be doing the correct thing :lol:You can start by telling other people that kid is not that bad, and he can be helpful and nice sometimes, and then people will start to forget he is a.. umm... some teased kid (lol cant find the correct expression) and will start to talk him often.And about the God existence stuff, wasnt this already discussed? there wont be any sure answer for this and yeah those guys cant say God doesnt exist for sure... but ya all cant say you are sure that God does exist.By my part, I believe more in science than religion, so ya know what i think.

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You are talking about mob mentality and the dynamic of ostracism. It's human nature that these situations exist, and this type of thing has been documented ad nauseum in social theory. My point is, you don't need to feel alone on this issue. The fact that you aware of this dynamic is a good first step. To get out of the bad habit of saying things in a group of peers that you wouldnt normally say is hard at first, but with conscious effort you will be more comfortable with resisting these urges. It's tough at first because you are going against the grain of your social atunement. It gets easier with practice.I'm sorry, but I dont have any advise about what you should do about that poor kid (except for what I said above). If it really bothers you, then you shouldnt worry about conflicting with your group over it. Other than that, I dont have much to say; but if something comes to mind, I'll be sure to add it later.Now, with regards to faith. On this I am no expert, but from what I understand of Christianity, the idea is brotherly love, regardless of others' attitudes - someone can step in and correct me if I'm off base there. Others may claim there is no God, but if you have faith, then it shouldnt really matter. You don't need to argue with agnostics/athiests that God exists - my observation is that faith is an internal experience, and is between you and the Divine. I hope it helps a little. :lol:

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that was something like me, only i was the one getting teased. but i didnt cry about it....not that there is anything wrong with that because i definitely felt like crying! then someone came up to me and started talking, which would be like you going up to the asian guy, and we became very good friends. now i have loads of friends who think i am a really good guy. so chances are that if you and some of your friends go up to him and be nice then it will all work out nicely. as for the people in math, dont you think they deserve their own opinion? you could step in and say something, but they deserve the voice and they have chosen to use it. good luck

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all these are good ideas but i know how these group of bullies operate.... they probally wouldn't stop even if Ali stepped in. but i guess it's the trying to stop it that counts. as for the people in math i guess they do deserve their own opinion but, like any subject you need to look at all the facts, which they haven't.thnx for taking the time though... i guess i will try to do something next time.

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