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Flash Menu

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i decided to make a cool menu for one of the skins for my website.

http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ check out the menu on the left hand side (3 different flash files) and it's really cool

the top on e is a simple animation, the middle one are rollover links and the last one is a motion tween which stops when you hover over it

also on this menu http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ what can i do to make it more interactive?

Edited by randomdood (see edit history)

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Nice menu, the first one is pretty good but it would be even better if the Links would be centered in the menu box, and then make appear 1 dot on each side of the link instead on the left, and add to those circles a fade in/out effect.And the second menu seems to be good also. It would be nice if when the mouse hovers over a Link, would appear some kind of Glow around the letter with a fade in effect. Also adding a snowning effect like of leaves or something that would fit the theme of your menu would be good.Good job with those.

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