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Using The Rewriterule .htaccess

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Quick into on .htaccess


.htaccess (note the dot) is a text file, each command is meant to be placed on a single line, so if your text editor has word-wrap, make sure it is turned off.


When you upload it to your server, make sure it is uploaded in ASCII mode rather than binary.


What is mod_rewrite?


mod_rewrite is a apache modal that allows you to rewrite URLs at a server level. For example, when a user requests the page




mod_rewrite could rewrite the URL so that the sever really gives this page




Why should I use mod_rewrite?


The problem is that search engines used to not search urls when they had characters like ? and = in. These characters usually occurred when you had a dynamic website, with URLs like http://www.domain.com/index?page=disks∏=246, it created a nightmare in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). What they used do was chop off the URL after the none standard character, so if you had a set of URLs:






Every URL would end up as





Thankfully, most search engines can crawl dynamic URLs, unfortunately, they don't do it as efficiently as they do it with static URLs and in some cases they don't crawl every page. It also has benefits like allowing you to change the language the site runs on. For example, it you converted your site from asp to PHP, no urls would need to change, so you wouldn't have any problems with 404 errors


How do I use mod_rewrite?


The first thing you need to do is check you have mod_rewrite installed on your server. Create a php page that looks like so:


<?phpphpinfo(); ?>
Upload it to your server. Load the page in your web browser and perform a search for mod_rewrite, you should find it under the "Loaded Modules" section. If you can't find it, you will have to contact your hosting company and ask them to add it.


Note: Xisto has this modal, so you don't need to do this if you are hosted at Xisto.


Basic Example


The most basic form of mod_rewrite is like this.


RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^apage.php$ anotherpage.php
This would redirect someone who loaded apage.php to anotherpage.php, without changing the URL that they see in their browser address bar


RewriteEngine on

Turns the Rewrite engine on, without this we could do nothing



This is the name of the command



The ^ and the $ are the beginning and the end of the anchors respectively. They are called anchors because they "anchor" the RewriteRule in a specific position in the URL string.



This is the page that the URL is re-directed to.



More Complex Examples


Example One


RewriteEngine onRewriteRule  ^cms/([^/]+)/?$ index.php?page=$1 [L]
This will redirect a URL like:






If the URL requested page begins with cms/



Anything within brackets is assigned to a variable like $1 or $2 etc. This gets one or more characters that isn't a forward slash, and assign it to a variable.




This makes sure that the requested URL ends with a / or nothing else. In more detail, the / is the character that it checks if it ends with, the ? makes the character

optional, so it can be a forward slash or nothing, and the $ is the end of the anchor.




This redirects the page to index.php?page=$1. The $1 is the text that is in ([^\]+) . If you had more than one set of brackets, like ^cms/([^\])/([^\]+)/?$, the second

set of brackets would have the backreference $2



This makes it so that if the RewriteRule is successful, it is the last rewrite rule to be executed.



Example Two


RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^download/([^/]*\.)(zip|exe|bat)$ files/$1$2
This will redirect a request for





RewriteRule ^download/

The URL must start with download/



This matches and assigns to a variable anything that isn't a forward slash, and ends with a ".", the "\" before the period is required to signify that the period is a character rather than a command. (The period on its own matches any character, not what we want!). Notice we have uses an asterisk (*) instead of a plus (+), this means get zero or more characters rather than one or more characters



This matches a zip or exe or bat, and assign it to a variable



This redirects the request to real file using the variables assigned.



Example Three


If you have a dynamic URL that contains numeric sections, like so:



If you don't want any non numeric character, you can use this


RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^articles/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/?$ index.php?id=$1&page=$2
This would re-direct a page request like:





The only new part in this is this:


This gets one or more numbers between 0 and 9, you can also specify one or more lower case characters using ([a-z]+), if you wanted uppercase, you would change it to ([A-Z]+).


Tutorial Copyright Jacob Essex 2006

This may not be copied or mirrored without permission




Any comments on this would be appreciated, as this is the second tutorial I have ever written, so I would welcome constructive criticism.

Edited by Yacoby (see edit history)

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