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Website Coding Request

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I had a friend make me a website layout but he wasn't able to code it and I can't code it either, so I was wondering if someone could do it for me.

Also, I was wondering if you could make it so that the page expands with the ammount of content that is on the page. So instead of it being the current height which would limit me to only that much content I would be able to put unlimited content on it.

For an example of what I mean in the second paragraph check this site.

Thanks to anyone who would do this!

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Also, I was wondering if you could make it so that the page expands with the ammount of content that is on the page. So instead of it being the current height which would limit me to only that much content I would be able to put unlimited content on it.

The browser--any browser, really--should automatically extend it according to how much content there is. It's not limited to the dimensions of the image-layout. But give me a moment, and i'll PM the coded (X)HTML version.
EDIT: PM sent...

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Middle part will look bad in Internet Explorer. Just add content to the middle. It should fix it. In every other browser, it looks great. :lol:

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Wow, that was quick, looks good in firefox. By the way, I saw your website by removing the /test, and I found the wookiepedia thanks to your site. Lol. Chewbacca rulz!

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Request filled. Closing. If you need other help, PM me.

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