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I Have A Friend That Bugs Me Everytime

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Gees, this might sound weird but I feel really sorry for this guy. Yes, he's a complete loser and weirdo but I just can't imagine how sh*t he must feel being that his mum is obviously a control freak that tramples all over him and the whole school hates his guts. He must feel really, really lonely.

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That's crazy. Just don't ever answer the phone if he calls, and if he comes to your house act like you're not home. Just avoid him at all costs, and if he tries to talk to you just tell him you don't want to be friends anymore, and if he still doesn't get the point, tell someone about it.


Gees, this might sound weird but I feel really sorry for this guy. Yes, he's a complete loser and weirdo but I just can't imagine how sh*t he must feel being that his mum is obviously a control freak that tramples all over him and the whole school hates his guts. He must feel really, really lonely.

Yea...I feel the same too, but after I looked at him, I will feel oppositely, he laughs and smiles everytime like... an Idiot or someone mad....

If he annoys you and you want rid of him, he's not a friend. Another problem solved by Kioku that we call all walk away from, a little more wiser.

yea, he's a "friend"..as we said before...

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Honestly I do not understand why you still are this persons friend. You should start slow about getting rid of this relationship becuase at the moment with the words you are saying it seems that you have no need for the persons company. You should first try avoiding contact that should work because he should get the hint if that doesnt work you should tell him straight forward that he bothers you and you really shouldnt hang out. If he still does not get the message you need to tell someone like an adult.

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Honestly I do not understand why you still are this persons friend. You should start slow about getting rid of this relationship becuase at the moment with the words you are saying it seems that you have no need for the persons company.
You should first try avoiding contact that should work because he should get the hint if that doesnt work you should tell him straight forward that he bothers you and you really shouldnt hang out. If he still does not get the message you need to tell someone like an adult.

telling an adult cannot help, they cant do anything, can they guard me at school just because of that? can they tell his parents and then he will follow like a robot? Can they tie him up or kill him?(lol)
they can't, nothing they do will help..

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in this case, you don't fight fire with fire. if you bang him in the head, that wouldn't make him stop. if you keep on coming to him because he tempted you, then he'll just do it again and again. it's that simple.it will take a lot of patience for you to ignore him while he keeps on bugging you. and when he gets tired because you don't notice him anymore, then he'll go away (hopefully).

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What a crazy person. What I would have done is ignore him, not punching him or anything. That way he would get bored after a while, or if he doesnt, he will have to get tired some day. Then he would not even bother to bug you since he know it will be no fun.

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