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Hi Xisto. I am new member of trap 17 just bucause i want free web hosting. i want to know that is trap 17 support PHP and MySQL Databases!!!Any ways i liked Xisto forums. Very good site

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Welcome gursimran2006,Yes Xisto supports PHP and MySQL Databases. Here you can find all the features of a paid host that too for free. The cpanel is great and up to date. As you have said you are here for hosting so my sincere advice to you is to read the rules of Xisto first and then read some posts from hosted members, then start posting. So that you will get an idea how and what to post and what not.Also tell us about your hobbies, likes and dislikes.

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I'd just like to point out something for gursimran2006, since I've been going through a few of his posts.

You don't earn credits by the NUMBER of your posts, but rather the content. Making short, quick posts prevents you from getting as many credits as you can. And since you've already expressed a concern - "Please don't ban my account for missing some credits" - it's best to build up a good reserve of credits as early as possible. It's not that hard; after all, you're getting rewarded for expressing yourself and learning new information! Take advantage of it!

As well, the more detail you include in your question, the more specific answers can be given.

As well, watch the one-line posts. This is generally considered spam in the Xisto forums. Be sure to carefully review the FAQ so you don't get into any trouble. It also has help for working with your site. ^-^ The mods are very friendly as well (As long as you don't annoy them by continually ignoring the rules!) so you can Private Message one of them with a question if you are confused about anything (Or, if you're not sure who to contact, you can PM me and I can forward it to someone. ^-^).

I hope you enjoy participating in the forums, and I look forwards to seeing what you do with your site.

By the way, what do you mean exactly by "free community"? Are you developing a personal site to make friends, for example? Or is it for an established group? What kind of interests would be discussed?

(I recognize you're from India, and I tend to use formal speech in the forums which can be a little confusing. If you're unsure about anything I've said, PM me and I'll try to translate for you. ^-^)

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Hello gursimran2006 Posted Image and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Looks like everybody has beat me to the punch. You will find that the hosting here is the best. People are friendly and helpful. You can't go wrong as long as you read and follow the Rules. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.

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hi gursimran2006 welcome to the Xisto familyutilise the facilites available here in Xisto. You are most welcome to share your knowledge and your opinions and also feel free to get help fro other trappers.

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