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well now that ive got more than just a couple of posts i thought it a good idea to let everyone know who i am....my name is dylan...i spend most of my time on the computer or somthing that i am forced to do (such as homework) but i now have a website that is under construction for the front page but check out the forums....i also play trumpet in my high school band....i think im rather good at it :) well hope i make somewhat of a good impression on you all....thanks

My forums!!!

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It's been nice having you here. Kind of weird to do an introduction this late but anyways it's all good. Guess I don't need to tell you the rules or anything.

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Exactly. Mine was late as well, so don't feel so bad.... Great to have new people who are pretty active. You've been on a bunch of times. Have fun around here then, Bye!

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Hello the_aggie10 Posted Image and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Yeh, well at least you found the introduction place. When I did mine, I posted it in the wrong department. Better late than never. As you have already found, this is a lively forum with lots of friendly helpful people. Have been watching your exchanges in the shout box. Seems you are having lots of fun learning all sorts of things.

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It's been nice having you here. Kind of weird to do an introduction this late but anyways it's all good. Guess I don't need to tell you the rules or anything.


lol yea it was pretty late....but i felt weird doing it before i was hosted cause i felt people wouldnt take it serious and just think i was trying to get credtins....thanks!!


Exactly. Mine was late as well, so don't feel so bad.... Great to have new people who are pretty active. You've been on a bunch of times. Have fun around here then, Bye!


lol i dont feel toooo bad...yea i am pretty active here! thanks for making me feel welcome :)


Hello the_aggie10 Posted Image and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Yeh, well at least you found the introduction place. When I did mine, I posted it in the wrong department. Better late than never. As you have already found, this is a lively forum with lots of friendly helpful people. Have been watching your exchanges in the shout box. Seems you are having lots of fun learning all sorts of things.


lol yes i have learned a lot from this site...mostly for the better part...hehe thanks!!

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