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(relatively Open) Sig Request for NigaiAmaiYume

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(To mods: I appologize for my previous post not done to standard.)Size: 400x100 or what you determine bestTheme: anything Cutesy or Elegant. ^-^Render: If you would like.Render Theme: Fairies, Yin Yang, Shoujo Anime/Manga, whatever suits your ideaColor: Purple (light and dark), pink, black, silver, light blueText: NigaiAmai Yume and/or BitterSweet Dreams, one of the following quotes if you want.Other effects: Try to keep it tasteful. ^-^Details:I've been in a depressed/self-yucky kinda mood lately. Since I've also been wondering what the people on the forums would do with their different styles to a relatively open request, I figured I'd see what people would do with this, in the hopes that something blatently nice will help the prosac kick in. ^-^Pretty much, take inspiration from the above form or the following quotes, and see what you end up with.Quotes:- I'm the nicest, most evil fairy godmother you'll likely ever meet.- I'm like fine chocolate: sweet, dark, and just a touch sinful.- A writer and a dreamer, searching for meaning...Have fun! ^-^

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Here's it with quote:

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Here's it without quote:

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And here's it with a different font:

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Pick whichever you want. :)

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