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Is Firefox Not Working For You? it hasnt worked for me the past 4 times

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So I download Firefox. The free version. I get all of it installed. For some reason it just doesn't work on my computer. I have XPI have the Service Pack #2Is anyone else having an issue using it?

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Well basically I am dling it from the getfirefox.com site. The free version. And so it installs and everything seems to be going well. But when I click on the desktop icon or even go to the folder and click on the .exe, nothing happens. No browser comes up, absolutely nothing.

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Thats very odd, i ahve ever experienced an error like that for a browser. though it may have happened because the download was corrupt. Was it from the official site? I fnot try that and if that does work i dont know what to suggest

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hm.......that's odd. You should try to reinstall it and if that doesn't work contact mozilla support or go on the support forums on their site. That is not happening to others so there is either something wrong with ur version (highly improbable since you got it at the same place as others) or your windows. Try compatability manager and set it to windows 2000. Any ways if that doesn't work try contacting them and tell us how you solved the problem.

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First of all, a tiny reminder, there is nothing such as a free version, the whole was/is/and always shall be free! :(I would check if your computer is clean of viruses, adware, spyware etc... use Spybot from download.com and something like F-Prot or AVG for virus checking. They are all freeware.Go to Start->Run and type msconfig and go to the startup tab.From there I would remove all the entries which look suspicious. However be careful, some of those are needed for your programs to run properly. Check the Command column and if it points to some program directory that you know you have installed leave the entry. Suspicious entries are like: webrebates.exe, chicbash etc...Next do a CTRL-ALT-DEL and start the Task Manager. If you see a firefox entry in the processes tab select it and hit end process.RestartTry running firefox again, better yet, do the above before installing firefox and then install and run it.

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I will try to do all of those. If it does not work. I'll be contacting them and see what I can do. Bt other then that, I can't say that I like firefox. I'll even try to dl mozilla first and then upgrade to firefox.

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Don't let this problem influence your opinion, Firefox is a powerful and fast internet browser. I have heard this from many of my friends and I also have it my self. Once you try it it makes you wonder...."what the hell was i even doing trying to use a piece of junk like internet explorer?".... neways i hope it works for you and i hope you like it just like the rest of us.

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You should try to launch it with the command line.


If it still doesn't work, install Mozilla instead : your computer must be infected, so you absolutly need a secure browser..


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I finally got it to succesfully dl last night and I actually used it. It was alright though it really didn't load images that well for me.

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