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What Is Your Definition Of Music ok something a little different

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Definition of music maybe a sound that produce sometimes melancoly in the people and different things as make crying or remain something or entertainment, etc-tatys

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Well music is life and fun. without music, there is no life and without life in us, there is no music, so I think music is ------ wow a big fun.-Racheal

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Quite regrettably, I, like everyone else, cannot contribute anything else that is not mushy to this thread.Personally, I believe music is based on individual judgment. It is quite relative, really, and there are a lot of quotes that basically say so:One man's trash is another man's treasure.One man's meat is another man's poison.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.Why not extend it a bit more and say music is in the ears of the listener? It's really a matter of opinion; a personal judgment. I don't think music has an actual definition or template that can be deemed universal. It really is that specific per listener. However, music, as a lot of humans know now, is more like a consensus or what majority in a particular locale deems to be "musical". It is, rather, a lot like a survey. Lemme put it this way, the president does not really define or outline what a leader is. Rather, it is what majority deems to be capable of exhibiting leadership qualities. Same with music. It's not what is pleasing to everyone, it is what majority, or almost everyone, finds pleasing. Again, this is the popular (but inacurate) definition of music.Personally, I like hyper-upbeat music. What is rock to other people is pop to me. Pop music is easy listening while mellow, well, it's almost a sedative to me :P

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>Any sound uniform or abstract, provoking the thought process, hence makin you think...Like the sound of rain, thunder, breeze, heart beat, listening to her breathe;>Silence could also be a form of music, I.E, if you can obtain absoulute silence, a partial example could be some time spent at the library.>Music is Inspiration to live.-reply by Mithun

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music is like a drug. Once you truly experience music, you want more.

music is the best friend that you never have to explain anything to.

music is a time machine. It takes you back to that exact moment.

music is that one shoulder that is always there to lean on.

music is like water,cant go a single day without it.

sometime music can be an emotion you cant explain.

yes its about rhythm and the melody is crucial, but I believe its really more about the way it makes you feel, which is why it can be a very controlling, dangerous, addictive, drug... There would be no color in this world without it.

-reply by Kelly

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