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Can Software Piracy Be Stopped?

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Hehe, that's a funny little story, rpgsearcher!And yes, I agree. Piracy can't and won't be stopped.Is it even a debate if everyone is on the same side? ;)

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Piracy (AKA Sharing?) Is sharing "stealing"?Can Software Piracy Be Stopped?

Piracy = stealing. Sharing never is & never has been "stealing". This is just a marketing trick by greedy mogules who can never be satisfied with just a few millions of dollars. Remember all those "we are starving, our kids cannot afford their next meal!" ads by artists?

This is nothing but a baldfaced like & scam! I went to a Metallica concert recently (Lars, the drummer sued Napster in time past for "stealing" when it was only sharing what they already had!) The tickets were about $50 on average with some a lot more! There were over 100,000 people there to see them.

Tell me, does this sound like they are going broke if 100,000 + people at $50 a head (or more?) paying to get in ($500,000 +) for a single night, & knowing they do 5 tours a week or more at times?

No, they are not starving, & never have been. If they were so bad off, they would quit what they are doing & get a real job where they had to actually work in order to make $$$! I know how easy playing music is, because I played drums for a very good band for a few years. I was told a lot by people that they came just to hear how I played!

If you are asking can sharing be stopped, no it cannot. Every form of anti-copy has already been broken, including CSS encryption, laser lock, bad sectors, duplicate sectors, dummy tracks, region lock, sony arcos, etc. There isn't any way to prevent copying because the moment content is viewable & seeable in a form we can understand, it is already broken. It is that exact moment that a copy is easy to make.

All that it takes to break a copy is to know enough about how the anti-copy works to create the anti-copy. Sometimes, it is so easy that even that isn't needed. Using a different way to do things than the developer intended can reveal places they didn't patch software which enables you to use it again, like you intended.

All this talk about "piracy" makes me sick, since piracy is supposed to be about stealing, as in someone takes something that does not belong to them like a cd off a store shelf without paying for it.

If someone buys a cd, then they own the cd because they paid for it & can share it as many times as they want & there is nothing anyone can do about it. For those who claim, but there are license agreements, & they really do not own the cd, only the right to use it!

Here is my response. They do not sign a legal agreement before the sale, & since you are not even told or warned that this has a 10 mile long license agreement that would take 10 years to read & 100 to understand fully, well, even if it is 10 miles long, they bought the license agreement along with the software/games/music that was on the disk WITHOUT signing a thing.

Meaning, the disk AND the agreement becomes theirs to use as they will, so whatever they do with the license agreement, oh well, they bought it, so they own the license agreement too! It is not binding legally since they never had to sign it before making the sale!

And for those who decry people who buy software saying they are basically renting it, well, here is my response: IF IT IS FOR SALE, YOU ARE BUYING IT, NOT RENTING! Now, if you are renting, they should post a notice saying this software is for rent, & you do not own it upon paying for it. They will not do this, because sales will decline.

 This violates the truth in advertising/labeling laws since they are lying that you buy it when you are really renting it instead! It is falsely mislabeled & purposefully so! The law doesn't care these days what is right or wrong, as you may have noticed, but rather about who gives them a few million extra dollars!

 I personally to not feel sorry for these rich people in power, who spend billions of our dollars, even money that they do not have, but the poorer people are obliged to pay everything they owe or go to jail? I was victimized a few years back, & that is exactly what happened to me. Instead of allowing me to make payments as I worked, my mom had to pay $3,500 to clear me so I wouldn't go to jail for what someone else did! But the government can make bad loans, spend billions on wars built on false pretenses, & get away with things they would murder us for?

This isn't justice people, this is total mayhem!

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What has piracy ever done to you?Can Software Piracy Be Stopped?

Why does piracy need to be stopped? What have pirates ever done to you? Just let the pirates keep on making a quick  buck and let the buyers keep on saving a buck. The sofware companies are still going to be living just as well off as they would without piracy. Piracy is not going to make anyone homeless. People against piracy are evil, they're just  out to punish people. I would feel disgusted with my self if I were driving a new Benz while some poor guy is in prison for copying my stuff.

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PiracyCan Software Piracy Be Stopped?

Let's see what piracy does for us:1) Less R&D money for companies to invest in new products.2) Less jobs for people.Also, 1000s of people put 1000s of hours into software development. These people are the ones you here about getting laid off. These are jobs that could want in the future and not have any income available because of piracy.I used to pirate while in high school. During college I realized what a **** move it is. It truly is stealing the same as if you walked out of a store with a shopping cart full of items and did not pay for it. Microsoft has 93000 employees. If <1% of them are rich, what about the other 92000+ people that are struggling to feed their families just like you.

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