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Martial Science Does It Really Make Sense??

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It's a fairly new question that is becoming more and more common, and it is a question that can spark some quite interesting debates. I thought of it after I was finishing a piece for my website. Tell me what you think of the theory of martial science, leave your views plz... (By the way I really don't know much about it, so it might not make complete sense :) )Ok so science plays a big roll in everything that we do, see or hear. It's the physical proof of a certain theory. So can physical logic and proof be put to a form of art? Art is soemthing that is said to have no logic - a side product of our minds. To others it is the part of our soul that releases wild interpretations of life as we see it, so can human oppinion and expression combine with scientific proof and fact? Well that is the question that is being asked more and more. Wether your a sceptic of the arts or not, we all like to see them work, and although we see others making them work, why is it that we feel that what we know wouldn't stand in a real fight? Why is it that when you clearly understand that you are better than most do you still feel underconfident with your knowledge? Well the answer is in the question, it's confidence, but we don't want to tackle the mental products of the arts, because that is an entirely different topic. The point is that in the most basic and routine martial arts techniques right up to the most procise, complex combination techniques - there is a logic to it, a set pattern, a certain science. Some might say that the arts is something we express, it's the realm of the spirit, so there is no such thing as logic to it, but perhaps the logic is simply the side product of the realism that it involves? Perhaps the science in the arts can be the product of the fact that it does physically work, and even if you do believe that is comes from the spirit, it is still in it's most basic form a physical action, and so has the physical trends that are related to it's first movement.There are many reasons as to why it has taken so long to realise this, and for starters, we've perhaps only had the scientific knowledge or perseption to notice this type of science within perhaps the last two decades. As well as this point there is also the fact that until only very recently has martial arts been understood as a reliable way to learn to defend yourself and train your body, and having said that, the Western culture is still very under educated on martial arts as a sport, art or form of discipline.If we begin now to look at the actual physical actions of specific parts of the arts, rather than martial arts as an overview:From the most basic punch to the most complex kick - it comes from the spirit, the mind, the soul but it's physical side products are nothing but physics. It would be unfair to say that physics plays no roll in the technique, but it would also be unfair to say that the spirit plays no roll. As you know their is no such thing as a lucky guess to kicking but instead a set, logical pattern. Everything seems to run parrellel, or in time, or in weight ratio or speed ratio - it doesn't matter what combination this is, it's always done in a set pattern.How can it be possible for a reverse kick to produce a kicking force in such a direction away from the core of the main body? How can the kick be strong and supported if the body weight is brought backwards? But yet at the same time, the legs and head run in a set correlation to each other, and this is in correlation with the height ratio, so how is this? Well the physics again, and the force produced by the kicker as he rotates is what creates all that thrust and power. It's simply the force in which the kick is pused out at. Perhaps it could be possible that the leg, whilst being driven by the body's force is actually heavier than the core body, and maybe that is why the kicker does not loose his balance whilst leaning in the opposite direction. Perhaps it acts as an anchor, as a wall to lean on. Maybe it only comes down to the position of the two legs, and the rest of the body isn't important, so the upper core removes it's self? Perhaps as we mentioned earlier, the kicking force produced increases the weight to that of about the same as the upper body and head? We don't have any numerical theories or physical prediction, and neither are we likely to, but I think the idea that perhaps our martial arts training is actually nothing but logical physical actions, like kicking a football isn't quite right. To me my arts come from my spirit, my mind, my soul. It has nothing to do with physics.. So is the martial science just a by-product that just happens to be created after doing martial arts?? -- Well there you go... doesn't make sense, I was just trying to put across the idea of martial science.. What do you think? Do you think it is all physics? All from the mind? Or a bit of both? What do you think of more whilst your training? The spirit side of it or the physical side of things? Sorry to make you sit there and suffer through that, thanks for your time, Sean.

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What is fighting, for example chinese use a word for it "kung fu" what means art. Art of chalenging our oponents with a drilled technique. For example wu shu kung fu is a very beautiful to watch and flexibile art, but when you concentrate on making it better and better to strike youre oponents, its turning in to a science where not the artist rules but the scientist. An artist could make the art so it is beautiful like wu shu or capoeira...But the scientist makes of the art a deadly science like wing tsun kung fu, russian systema or krav maga...Study the styles a bit and you will see the answerA thin, weak man can defeat a big one, if thats not science than I will believe in God-reply by nizzar

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