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Disk Usage Query

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The xoops script I installed was taking up nearly all my available disk usage (18.44mb) so I decided to uninstall xoops & start again using a smaller script.I deleted everything relating to xoops, including the mysql database, checked the disk usage screen which showed hardly anything, went to install another script but I am still using 18.44 mb.Am I missing something blatantly obvious which I need to do to lower this?Thanks

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It takes a while for the statistics script to adjust your stats. The script is only run occasionally, but don't know exactly how often or I would mention it here. Regardless, the stats for your site will be updated the next time the script is run and then you will be able to install additional scripts.

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or you could create a script to tell you how much disk space has been used on your account (not including database) i learnt how to do it on php.net you can use this code:

function dskspace ($dir){$s = stat ($dir);$space = $s ["blocks"]* 512;if (is_dir ($dir)){$dh = opendir ($dir);while (($file = readdir ($dh)) !==false)if ($file != "." and $file != "..")$space += dskspace ($dir . "/" . $file);closedir ($dh);}return $space;}
the above code is a function and you can use it on many pages if you put it in a file (for example filefunction.php) and include it on which ever page you wish. Then add this code to the page:
include ('filefunction.php');$all = dskspace ('./'); //change this to the directory you want to tell the size of it will give size of that directory and all sub directorys :-)$all = round ($all/1024000,1);$mb = "mb";echo "-Used: $all$mb<br/>";
enjoy :-)

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