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Shadow Knight

Muti Color Sig Tut For Photoshop!

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Step 1 : Start by opening a new file with size of 400x130. Then fille the background with black.


Step 2 : Then choose a brush of your choice and make some designs you like.


Step 3 : Add your render and then resize if necessary.


Step 4 : Desaturate by pressing Ctrl+shift+U .


Step 5 : Hide all the layers except for the render layer. Then use the magic wand tool to select


the transparent parts around your render. Right click and go to feather and select a radious of


5. Then hit delete twice to blend the render in.


step 6 : Make a new layer and select the gradient tool and choose once with 3 colors. Pick your


colors and then overlay that gradient by dragging it from the top left to the bottom right. Then


set its blending mode to soft light


Step 7 : Make a new layer then press Ctrl+A to select. Then go to Edit, then stroke and make it


3px white and click the center button. Then set it to overlay.


Step 8 : Add your favorite text and lower your opacity to a blend you like that will match.


Step 9 : Make a new layer then go to image > apply image. Do a Gaussian blur at 2 px. Finnally


set it to soft light and your finished!



Heres and example of it.

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Step 1 : Start by opening a new file with size of 400x130. Then fille the background with black.


Step 2 : Then choose a brush of your choice and make some designs you like.


Step 3 : Add your render and then resize if necessary.


Step 4 : Desaturate by pressing Ctrl+shift+U .


Step 5 : Hide all the layers except for the render layer. Then use the magic wand tool to select


the transparent parts around your render. Right click and go to feather and select a radious of


5. Then hit delete twice to blend the render in.


step 6 : Make a new layer and select the gradient tool and choose once with 3 colors. Pick your


colors and then overlay that gradient by dragging it from the top left to the bottom right. Then


set its blending mode to soft light


Step 7 : Make a new layer then press Ctrl+A to select. Then go to Edit, then stroke and make it


3px white and click the center button. Then set it to overlay.


Step 8 : Add your favorite text and lower your opacity to a blend you like that will match.


Step 9 : Make a new layer then go to image > apply image. Do a Gaussian blur at 2 px. Finnally


set it to soft light and your finished!

Heres and example of it.

Posted Image


nice tut i just got photoshop so im not very good with it

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Not bad on the tutorial, but my suggestion as a desigbner it really helps when you make a visual tutorial. It helps new designers such as Ssk Sniper get a better look and a better understanind other than that keep it up..

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