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3 Balanced Elements Of Life : Health - Wealth - Family (relationships)

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Just thought about sharing this.. I had this in my mind since a long time (heard it somewhere on radio, tv…)3 Bloody things in our life always balance themselves out (in most of the cases I guess)1. Health2. Wealth3. Family (or any close relationships).A person who has lots of wealth seldom manages time for his personal health, fitness or diet and often goes through mental stress On the other hand, A person managing health and wealth equally will seldom have problems giving time to his family..A person, who spends a good time with his family, kids, friends etc, will often find it hard to keep up with his work and often end up in cutting down his income. Or at least his financial growth is hindered rigorously.(Applicable to people who are doing business, self-employed or employed)May be the secret of living a successful life in harmony is to cut out one part of the three which ever is practically possible and manage the other two in harmony. Alright, now you might be wondering, this is impossible. All the three are the basic elements of our society’s lifestyle of living. The answer is, we have to shift from the category of either:-1. Employed Individual2. Self-Employed Individual3. Business TO INVESTORS. Investors are people who have enough money whose returns enable them to lead an upper-class life. It takes a good deal of hard work to shift to this category. Often, trying to reach here, you might have to cut down on other two elements (family and health) for some time. Reaching this goal will give man the smooth path to a successful life -OpaQue(Please share your opinion)

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If the person cuts off health, he might die before making it big. If the person cuts off family, he may never be able to regain what he missed out on, or what he left behind. He may be the main reason why the family is still well maintained. If the person cuts off both, he'll be dependent on money, and may never try to head back into good health and family--for he left those two things for wealth. And if he loses his wealth, he'll have nothing to fall back on; like the comfort and support of a family.As i see it, if you try not to make it big, it'll be for the better. Many foods that help maintain health are inexpensive. Also, if you have family, when in times of trouble, they may be willing to give you a hand. Sometimes a successful life is a happy life, that does not have to deal with (a lot of) money.

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Many foods that help maintain health are inexpensive.

I would also add in factors like stress, physical fitness etx.

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looking at the way society works in many places of the world, you're right, Opaque.I'd rather stick with truefusion, "a life can be called successful even though the person leading it did not end up having a huge bunch of money".Healthy food can really be achieved quite cheap but this does not make it fair; though it probably doesn't bother anyone's conscience whether the food he buys has been produced in a fair or unfair style if he or she never heard about the circumstances in which the stuff we buy is being produced [in the long run, McGarbage does not offer cheap food. Example cheese burger (1 Euro a piece at Mc): Bread; Meat; a slice of cheese; some ketchup --I know, this is not complete but that's the expensive part of this burger when you leave the personnel cost out--. You can get fresh bread similar to that of the McMurder-Burgers in your local bakery, approximately 20 cents; The meat will be about four bucks per kilogram - something around 80g of it runs into one burger, that makes the meat-part of it worth about 33 cents; I don't know about the prices of cheese but one slice can't cost more than a few cents, let's make it 5 so we have a round number when we add the cost of drop of ketchup worth 2 cents. If my math is right, this makes a home-made cheeseburger cost 60 cents plus energy plus what you consider your price. Actually, the Mc-Burger should be way cheaper since they buy lots more than the average person... but after all, the Mc-Junk is not even healthy so this piece of calculation is destined to enter the trash can...]. As I don't want to destroy Opaque's scheme of 3 elements which make up the quality of life, I'd suggest to make "conscience" a sub-thingy of "family" - how can you be happy with your life if you don't have a good conscience? I surely don't live up to the moral standards I'd like to see around me but I am not employed in a fair way as well (a. forced labor; b. my "wage" is 8 bucks per day...)Back to topic: well, if everyone was an investor, who'd do the work? Trying to become an investor, you lose time which you a) can't buy back with the money you get later and :ph34r: can't use on Health/Family. On the other hand, erasing Investors from "the system" -- this can't be done by reforming society. It would take a revolution both in the mind of each individual and the structure of society; Discipline among those who have been raised in the "old" society would also be required. Actually, I can think of other ways which could achieve this goal but they're somewhat far-fetched and not ready for presentation to the public yet <_< --. I'd say under current circumstances, a life is successful when the person leading it is happy, really happy and not a "I hide my trouble behind a smile"-happy...

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I would also add in factors like stress, physical fitness etx.

I did take that into consideration. For example, a family pet helps reduce stress just by petting it. Indeed, a family pet may induce stress, but not so much if it's trained to do its "business" outside. :ph34r: As for physical fitness, many parents say just taking care of toddlers is work enough. :( Of course this would include stress as well, but sometimes some good ol' family time is all that you need to forget about the troubles of the day. <_<

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Back to topic: well, if everyone was an investor, who'd do the work? Trying to become an investor, you lose time which you a) can't buy back with the money you get later and can't use on Health/Family.

Obviously, there are glitches. I didn't mean all of them to become investors. I just sought out a solution to manage life in a better way and to gain mental peace by being closer to family and health :-)
Humanity has a balance. One rises, other falls. One moves to the top position by overtaking the person over there already, thus pushing him down.

Life has opportunities in every direction and you make choices. But If we step back and look upon people.. we see, millions of them bounded by their routine schedule. Wake up, get fresh, go to work, come back and spend a little time with family or manage other routine out of office work. In most of the cases, we don't think where do we go next ?
There are even people who are least bothered about growing further in life once they fall in this fixed routine.

The above mentioned theory... is what many of us do. We work till we retire. By that time, we fix up pension plans, mutual funds, fixed deposits, provided funds etc and then quit worrying about the financial part of us. Retired people have more time, they can now look after their interests, play with kids and take better care of their health. :-) Instead of pushing this stage till the date retirement, why not make it happen when your still young :-) We are unable to give proper time to express our voice to society because we are soo occupied with our own routine. With more time, people can think openly for others, work for others and help others :-)

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I believe they are the 3 most important factors of life but sometimes they will cross over- For exampleIf your job was a fitness instructor you would have to spent time with other people, that may affect your relationships with a partner or loved one, spending more time with the person your training may lead to a relationship with them. On the other hand you will be fit, thought mayby not healthy. You would be fit and have a good personal hygene but would you binge eat or eat any fruit at all?If you were a family pyschatrist (shrink) you may have excellent social skills and know how to manage your family and other people around you 'properly'.For example my uncle is a doctor (GP) yet he still smokes... He must know its bad for him but he does it anyway... (He aint addicted, only one or two a day).No matter how hard we try we will never get a balanced life, its like on scales, trying to evenly match 3 things with the same weight, its impossible. If one weighs more than another then its more important...Anyway thats my 2 cents worth.

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My Thoughts...3 Balanced Elements Of Life : Health - Wealth - Family (relationships)

I am at a point of my life where I am currently searching for specific areas in life I could focus on, to be more successful.

Indeed the balance of Health, Wealth, and Relationships, is ideal. And 'truefusion' above has some really great points... However based on the research I've done so far, these 3 aren't enough.

For example in 'Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs' the very top of the pyramid, Self-Actualization, doesn't fit in at all... And you must admit this is a very important need for human beings. This need separates us from all other creatures.

If you balance the 3, it is likely that it'll give you a very comfortable life. However, wouldn't that make your life very average, very mediocre!?! ...Hmmm... Maybe I'm wrong... But then maybe not...

What can you say to people that strives to break out of mediocrity, wanting to live a more exciting, thrilling life!?!

Also, we know that people are very ambitious... Most are... They want to achieve something extraordinary in their lives. Most of people's goals are to be very very rich! Now, I can understand that if you have goals, whatever it maybe, you have to try your best to keep the balance... but sometimes you have to distort the balance in order to acheive your goals... Hopefully distort the balance for a short amount of time only... So the question is this, if you end up in that position, would you choose to 'balance the 3' or 'your goal'!?! Which leads to another question... Which is more fulfilling... 'balancing the 3'?... Or 'achieving your goal'!?!

Well, these are my thoughts... And don't get me wrong, I don't want to sound like a smart *bottom* or anything like that... Like most people reading this entry... I am student to life.

So if anyone has some really good in sights regarding my thoughts... Or whatever... As long as it's helpful... I'd really appreciate it!

Sway-reply by Sway Phillips

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