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Killer News For The Gfxtrap Main Site

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Well I suddenly got a inspiration to design and instead of going through the head of designing the site I used a template from a guy that I know.

But besides that here is what has been done so far. Right now its mostly cosmetic in terms of adding our content and stuff.

so im taking my sweet time with the content and stuff also on top of that with school going on as well. So it gives me time to think about the design and what to put into it and of course before adding any new pages to the site make sure the first page is completely set up.

right now using my site to test everything out to make sure not to break the design and what not.

so here the new look. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Edited by Avalon (see edit history)

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The site looks wonderful, but I don?t like the colour scheme. As i said to you before, it brings back feelings of the dreaded annoying parked domains. But looking at the design it is nearly the exact of an classic parked domains layout.The site would look a lot better, if the header graphic could be changed and the blues could be made a tiny bit darker. And the logo at the top left should be changed.This is just my opinions, others might be different.

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It does look very professional. Nice job. But,

As i said to you before, it brings back feelings of the dreaded annoying parked domains.

That's also true. To be honest when i first opened it that's what i thought it was. I thought it wasn't done and then i read the header.

Looks good though. I like sites like that. I don't really like sites with graphics everywhere and things flashing and what not.

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