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Albus Dumbledore

Photoshop: 3px Border

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Ok abviously, the first step is to open an existing document, or use the sig that you made...


second step) Create a new Layer (CTRL+Shift+N) or go to Layer-->New-->Layer


third step) make the foreground black, and the background white (or just hit D)


fourth step) go to Select-->All or just hit Ctrl+A so the entire image is seleted


fith step) go to Edit-->Stroke and apply these settings: Width: 3px Color: Black Location: Inside Mode: Normal Opacity: 100%


sixth step) once again go to Edit-->Stroke and apply these settings: Width: 2px Color: White Location: Inside Mode: Normal Opacity: 100%


seventh step) once again go to Edit-->Stroke and apply these settings: Width: 1px Color: Black Location: Inside Mode: Normal Opacity: 100%


eighth step) change the blending mode from normal, to Overlay

Posted Image


ninth step) you're done!


and although this is a bad sig....lol i used the border on this and even though you can barley see it (atleast i cant) here was my final result


Posted Image

Edited by Albus Dumbledore (see edit history)

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