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How Do I Activate This Parked Domain Questions about it

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I have a few questions about this.

Is it free to park domains?

If so how do i park one?

This is the error i got when i tried to park one

Add Parked Domain
Sorry, you are not allowed to add any more than ( 0 ) parked domains!

Will this go away after i sign up?

If i park a domain what will my url box look like. An example is:

you go to ojproductions.net (right now i am just forwarding my ojproductions.net to ojproductions.trap17.com) Then it says ojproductions.trap17.com then click lets say on the downloads sections right now it says ojproductions.trap17.com/downloads.html. After i park my domain name will it say: ojproductions.net/downloads.html?
Edited by BooZker (see edit history)

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I think what you are looking for is an addon domain :rolleyes:. As long as you are not using dynamic pages (like PHP) with MySQL, you can just move the contents from one folder to another!


MAKE A BACKUP using the BACKUP feature in your cPanel (Backup is under 'Site Management Tools')

1. Login to your Xisto cPanel,
2. Click on "addon domains" under the "Site Management Tools" box.
3. In the 'New Domain Name:' box, enter the domain name (ojproductions.net)
4. Just click on the "UserName/SubDomain Name:" box
5. The cPanel will automatically enter the name: "ojproductions-net"
6. In the "Password" box, enter the password for this subdomain.
7. Click on the 'Add' button
8. Then you will see something similar to:

Bind reloading on gamma using rndc zone: [ojproductions.trap17.com] Bind reloading on alpha using rndc zone: [nichelist.trap17.com] The subdomain, ojproductions-net.nichelist.trap17.com has been added.Using nameservers with the following IPs:,
Bind reconfiguring on gamma using rndc Bind reconfiguring on alpha using rndc
Created DNS entry for ojproductions.net

Setup Mail forward ojproductions.net -> ojproductions-net.ojproductions.trap17.com
Setup ojproductions.net OK
Adding httpd.conf entry for ojproductions.net to point to ojproductions-net.ojproductions.trap17.com
Syncing Ftp Databases....Done

ojproductions.net has been setup. It can be accessed via the subdomain ojproductions-net.ojproductions.trap17.com . Ftp access has been granted with the username ojproductions-net and the password *******.

9. Access your original Xisto account (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) throught FTP.
10. Copy/Move the files from your original site into the ojproductions-net folder

NOW Go to objproductions.net and enjoy :lol:

Hope this helps! (REMEMBER TO MAKE A BACKUP)

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It says its owned by another user. How do i put it on here. Should i transfer it?And Paul thanks, but i dont want .trap17 in it at all.

Edited by BooZker (see edit history)

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BooZker,First you must have the total control over the domain you wish to park. Which means you must change the domain nameserver to Xisto.com. Please refer to Xisto Readme for full nameservers of Xisto.If you cannot change nameservers of the domain you wish to associate with your hosting, you cannot park that domain to your hosting. If it was allowed to, I can park Yahoo! to my hosting and I can control Yahoo!'s page, don't you think? This was just an example.Once you access the domain you wish to park with your hosting account, you can THEN park that domain to your hosting account. Until then you cannot use that domain with your hosting.

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What Are Name Servers For Xisto 1. ns1.trap17.com
2. ns2.trap17.com

This was in the readme. So i change my current settings to those above? Just a question, but when i switch it over i know it takes some time, but does my website address stop working or does it just keep working, but the setting just don't change till after the 24-48 hr period?

Thanks so much for all this help. You guys really do have the best free hosting.

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but does my website address stop working or does it just keep working, but the setting just don't change till after the 24-48 hr period?

If you parked a domain but you still have sub-domain as your hosting account association, your sub-domain will still work. However, until your domain nameserver is propagated through out the world net servers it will take 24-72 hours before the domain name you parked is shown correctly using your hosting account.

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ok cool, so it will just keep saying "This address belongs to another user" until its switches?

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Go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ now i have no clue what to do. Why is there no files in there except the cgi bin, but in the FTP viewer there is? How do i get it up and running again?

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oh ok thanks! When will it be done?

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