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Typos: Do You Have Problems With Them? I make lts of typos

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I don't really have a problem with typos, unless it seems like somebody does them on purpose to piss you off and they are so bad you can't make sense out of the sentence whatsoever. But for some reason, I read in a careful way that I pick up and notice typos like they are in bold red type. Once I spot it, I can't not pay attention to it but most of the time they don't really bother me.I do make some typos because I type fast regularly although I don't make that many. When I notice that I made a typo I back up and fix it. I don't just leave it there. So you will find most of my posts free of typos....

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I usually don't have a problem with typos at all. I mean, I do make mistakes sometimes, but it only takes a second to backspace and replace it. I've always been pretty high on using correct spelling/punctuation, so maybe that has something to do with it.

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