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Taking A Leap Of Faith My life and its decissions

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Well next fall Coming. Aug 2006 I will be returning to school. It's something that i have always wanted to finish up on. I need less than 40 hours to finish. So im looking at maybe a total of three semesters. I sit back and now I wonder why did I wait so long to go back.I tell you this if you are in school at the moment and are thinking of taking a break then coming back. dont do it. Regardless of how disciplined or focused you are about it or how much you think oh ill be back next semester.Believe me i thought the same way. I took a semester off and its tunred out to be 3 years now.. why I have no idea. I have no idea why i waited so long to go back and finish.. regardless of what i was studying for. I should have stayed in school and focused on what i needed the most. Now I have decided to return and fishish. And it feels that I have decided to take the leap of faith.I plan to go to school full time and plan on keeping my job. At the same time try to find time to spend with my family . This is not going to be easy for me. I feel very pressured about it.. Since now I have aquired bills that i didnt have back then and id hate to be late on any payments or just not have the money to pay since I will be cutting back on work hours.So i hope anyone of you out there that are thinking of taking a break just make sure thats what you want to do.. caus ethe longer you wait the tougher it gets. Its not impossible. just a bit tougher

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Yeah its really true returning schooling/college after a long period of time results in lack of interest too in that..I've seen my mates returning back to engineering course after some 1-2 year then finding it difficult to concentrate too moreover we tend to loose the mastery on it..Better to complete all our education in one extend..

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Yeah its really true returning schooling/college after a long period of time results in lack of interest too in that..
I've seen my mates returning back to engineering course after some 1-2 year then finding it difficult to concentrate too moreover we tend to loose the mastery on it..

Better to complete all our education in one extend..

wow i didnt even think of study fields such as engeneering. Stuff like that takes alot of mastery.. and taking time off then having to come back without taking those courses to freshen you hup can be a very difficult challenge.

Luckily for me im able to schedule some refresh courses such as some match and english classes to get me back on the right track.. and thenin the second semester ill be able to take the needed math courses and composition classes i need.

I feel that i need to take them or else i am just showing up to fail. and id really hate to lose that. especially since my gpa is still in a nice range. not to high but not oo low.. well lastime i check it was nearing the 3.0 range... i was an average B ..
so definately i will benefit by taking some extra classes to keep me on top..

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So are you in college or high school? It would be hard for either sets of schooling. Classes, yeah, not to mention social stuff too. Your friends and stuff would be gone and you'd be with people way younger than you. Well, I wish you luck in whatever level you are returning to. Have fun!

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