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Idea For Inkjet Printers! so they would never dry out..

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Well i was thinking that it would be very nice if printer had this sort of mechanism that would prevent Inkjet Cartridges to dry out.I thought that printer would just let a little little bit of color through the cartridge every time you'd turn it on and it would than go in a special box from where you could refill with the refill-injection set that you can buy in stores...Maybe this has not been done because companies want these cartridges to dry out cos' that means business...what do you think??

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Normally, cartridges don't dry out if you use the printer regularly. Companies generally do not want people dismantling or drilling their cartridges and refilling them, as it does mean they get less business, but also people have complained to the cartridge manufacturer if they do it wrong and they damage their printer or cover themselves in ink.

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Most printers has a park position for the heads when it's not in use.In the park position is a kind of protection to prevent the cartdrige from drying out.This protection works if the printer is used on regular bassis (daily or weekly).Other wise you can take the cartdrige out and clean with cleaning fluid.When you buy refill ink there is most of the time cleaning fluid sold also.This works also on original cartdriges.

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I bought a laser printer because I was constantly frustrated with my inkjet cartridges (especially the colour ones that I used only for the occasional school project) drying out. I wasn't very 'printer-savy' nor did I know of how to protect the cartridges when they were not in use.Ever since I ported over to buying toner, I haven't looked back.I'm not quite sure how inkjets are packaged these days, but perhaps a small leaflet with some quick tips on how to prolong the life of inkjet cartridges might be useful. Or yes, some sort of mechanism could be implemented.

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Most inkjet printers have a "realign cartridges" or "clean cartridges" option that can help get rid of old ink from the cartridge head and allow fresh ink to flow.

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another idea is add a third tank. right now inks have a volatile (not combustible typically) solvent for the ink. this evaporates and leaves dry caked on ink that stops the flow. The ink would be put in some non-volatile solvent and have a drying agent in the third tank. this would be applied to the ink combining with the solvent and both would evaporate.

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Seeing as printers are coming dirt cheap these days and it seems some times like the ink cartridges cost more then the printers, why not make the printers capable of holding bigger cartridges? It doesn't sound like the refill idea would be too feasible or cost efficient, but I like the idea of a printer with a holding area for a giant surplus cost ink cartridge. <_< At least then the ink would be coming cheaper for the cost ultimately and refilling would be something to be done far less often.

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