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Create Professional Affiliate Links Like The Big Dogs and save 97 like they charge for the same info

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Do you hate those long, ugly affiliate links such as hxx ? Do you hate it when someone takes your affiliate link and cut you out, thereby "stealing" the money you could have made? Ever wonder how the so-called "internet guru's" do it? Ever wish you had the $97 they want so you, too, can learn how? You've probably seen such URL's as hxx bigselfproclaimedguru.com/Recommends/ CrapProduct in an email you've recieved and wanted to duplicate it for your own affilate programs. Well, now you can! Here is how you can do it...

Create a folder in your root directory named Recommends and then create a directory inside of it, such as CrapProduct or whatever else you are promoting. inside the CrapProduct directory, create a file named index.html. Here is the contents of the index.html file:

<html><head> <script>window.status = '';</script> <title>Page Title Here</title> <!-- Replace this with your page title --></head> <frameset border=0 rows="100%,*" frameborder="no" marginleft=0 margintop=0 marginright=0 marginbottom=0><!-- Replace INSERT-HERE with your affiliate link including the http:// --> <frame src="INSERT-HERE" scrolling=auto frameborder="no" border=0 noresize> <frame topmargin="0" marginwidth=0 scrolling=no marginheight=0 frameborder="no" border=0 noresize><body></body> </frameset> </html>

And now you can promote your own affiliate program. The link will now be hxx yourdomain.com/Recommends/ CrapProduct. I hope this quick & dirty, very simple tutorial helps in your quest to become Super Affiliate :) And if you don't want to use a cloaking method as above (which uses a Zero frame) then you can use this instead.

<html><head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=INSERT-HERE"></head><body></body></html>

Hmmm... if I keep giving away all the "secrets" of the Big Dogs people are gonna start thinking I'm one great guy! Oh well, it's not a bad thing. My ultimate goal is to show the "guru's" for what they really are (and maybe make some cash for myself along the way!).

NOTE: I had to do a little editing to fix a few typo's.

Edited by OpaQue (see edit history)

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Actually, the first piece of code above does that. It cloaks your affiliate ID by creating a frame so it's your website's URL that shows up in the address bar and not the long, ugly affiliate URL. Give it a test :)

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You could also check out Mod_rewrite to do this, but this is way easier to understand.

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Ehh, i just use adobe image ready and make it all animated and stuff =PBut i never used that big long script thingy. I just let them do that. And Microsoft Frontpage does all my html coding for me =P

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