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The Long Forgotten Classic Games Thread Oldies but goodies

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Know some forgotten games that need to be remembered?

Post them here, they dont have to be solely RPGs.

I'll start:

Champions of Krynn (and rest of the Krynn - saga) - Bloody well insane game. Them Solamnic Knights were tough and Fireballs deadly. OTOH the opponents were more than plentiful and their fairness questionable. Dragonlances, wizards, warriors, clerics, you name it.

Dark Sun: Shattered Lands and Wake of the Ravager - Buggy as hell, but the races, classes, graphics and musics partly made up for them. Thri-Kreens, Half Giants, Muls, Psionists, etc... Then again, Obsidian Longsword worth 20K and Long Sword +1 worth negative GPs? LOL

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Betrayal at Krondor - A story that starts as a 'simple' escort mission expands to a kingdom threatening tale of mystery, intrigue and courage.


A blast from the distant past:

Dungeon Master - The game that started the dungeon romps. Still holds features that are rarely seen in modern games (in a positive way :))


Chaos Strikes Back - The spiritual successor and official sequel of the great game, never seen on PC platform.


DM's sequel, DM II - The Legend of Skullkeep, is similar but with updated graphics and a different platform.

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The greatest of the epic sagas in space:


Star Control II* - Tale of interstellar conflict that combines adventure, rpg, strategy and action elements. One of the best games ever done.


Its prequel Star Control I was a strategy game of resource and star control (:() which reminds another classic forgotten game Supremacy with the exception of solid arcade battles deciding the victor.


Its sequel (SC III) while not being outright bad didn't exactly live up to its predecessors fame.


*if the site doesn't start working then go here

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Point and click adventure... such excellence:


Simon The Sorcerer 2.... simply put, pwns. We had an impulse one fine week day and we bought the game again about a year ago. Hadn't played it in a long, long time. Such pwnage. A few beers and play the game with a friend or friends. Many, many hilarious moments.


Beneath a Steel Sky (though it would seem it's not forgotten anymore. At least not by the people of AC. :(:thumbsup: ) The first game where i ever heard excellent voice acting.

"Do you like my robot ? I made it myself (from a coffee maker and a pile of junk)" ..... "It's crap, son."

"Ooh, nice shades... i could fix them with some sticky tape."


Then there's Stupid Invaders.... i propably could say a never heard game. Made in 2000 iirc. Again, an impulse buy by me and a friend of mine. Bought a lot of beer and started playing. What excellent, excellent fun. Such hilarity. If you like cartoons such as Wily E. Coyote, Daffy Duck and the likes you'll be right at home. Takes 2GB of memory. 4 CDs :shock::shock: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/



+ many more, which i'm sure others will mention (like Full Throttle, Day Of The Tentacle, etc.)

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Full Throttle is a great adventure game but it's fairly short, though I love the storyline. I've played Grim Fandango too. I've got a copy at home. It's got a really nice storyline (based on Mexican folklore), good voice acting, and a pretty intuitive keyboard interface (no mouse). I was looking forward to FT 2 but alas, adventure games do not make money these days. I hadn't heard about that Vampyre game though o_O It escaped my radar! These days it's really more on: action + violence + pretty graphics > storyline And you can't really blame the gaming companies since gamers nowadays are of the instant gratification kind (myself included ;D).

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