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Visual Basic And Internet Transmission is it possible to encrypt a http request?

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I've used VB before which is why im asking this in the VB forum and not any other forum because i know with any other language other than PHP i have no chance so i dont actually know if this is possible with VBWHat i want to do is change a HTTP request that is sent to a server so that a web filter cannot understand it and block the request. Before anyone says that i shouldnt do that its hacking etc...its not...im only doing it to see if it can be done. if i wanted to get around a filter i wouldnt bother making my own tool I'd use someone else (skript kiddy-ish i know but im lazy...) So does anyone know of a way that i could do this using VB. The main problem i though of is how to make the receiving server understand it when the request reaches them but also keep it secret from the filtering server... So does anyone have any ideas if this could be done? im fairly new to VB which is why im asking first if its POSSIBLE then ill go do some research if it is. Thanx in advanced

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If I understood you corectly, you want to hide HTTP request from a filtering server, but you want that same HTTP request to be available to the actual web server, is that correct?If you want to to that, I would say it's quite impossible, as it would require you to write your own web server, in order to interpret that encrypted HTTP request... If you wish to encrypt HTTP requests in general, I believe HTTPS protocol is the one to look for...Basicly, if I understood your question correctly, what you want to do is not doable... I have never done anything with HTTP requests, so I'm not the best choice to listen to... But from what I know, in general about how things work, I think it's not doable... If anyone knows better, please, correct me...

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i must admit i didnt hold up much hope, you understood my question though! maybe itll be possible with php to redirect the request withut the filtering server finding out...Thanx for your input.To google I go!

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