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Why Is Php All Of A Sudden Spitting Errors At Me?

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hi,I have a problem with my PHP on my site. It just started happening now but i think the PHP database some how corrupted its self. How can i reinstall the PHP or upgrade it to the latest PHP version, please respond back as this is effecting alot of my PHP scripts.Thanks

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What do the errors say? Post the error message here and then we will know what it is. Might be something that you can do something about (or maybe not). But we need to see the message first.

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What do the errors say? Post the error message here and then we will know what it is. Might be something that you can do something about (or maybe not). But we need to see the message first.


The error is saying

parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/idimm/public_html/skalinks_1_5/install/index.php on line 106

But the thing is that this code was working a couple of days ago and nothing had been changed and when i tried to reinstall this PHP application it gave me this error. This code is on 755 cmos so it was impossible for the code to edit its self and i even replaced the code with a fresh code from the designers after it gave me this message.

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First thing to check for are mis-matched curly braces. Post the code or submit a link to the source saved as a text file.

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I think that error means that the script unexpectedly ended (for example, forgetting a } for an if, else, etc. I think it could even be caused by forgetting the close ?> on the script, but I'm not sure). Maybe you should check the code there. However, if it was working a few days ago, that may not be the problem.


One last thing: You mentioned it was affecting a lot of your scripts. Are there any scripts you can run that don't have an if, else/elseif, while, or anything else that uses { and }? Sorry, but that's as much as I can help with.

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I think that error means that the script unexpectedly ended (for example, forgetting a } for an if, else, etc. I think it could even be caused by forgetting the close ?> on the script, but I'm not sure). Maybe you should check the code there. However, if it was working a few days ago, that may not be the problem.


One last thing: You mentioned it was affecting a lot of your scripts. Are there any scripts you can run that don't have an if, else/elseif, while, or anything else that uses { and }? Sorry, but that's as much as I can help with.


The code is extremaily big. but i dont know how all of a sudden this error could of happened as the code was never modified by anyone. but the code is this

<?php		if ( !$_POST['Install'] )	{				require_once( '../SkaLinks_include/English_lang.php' );				require_once( 'template.php' );					}	else	{	$package_version = 15;	foreach( $_POST as $key => $value )	{		if( !strlen( $value ) && ( $key != 'mysql_userpwd' ) )		{			die( "<font color=red>The value of $key parameter is empty!</font>" );			}		}	$f = fopen( '../headers.php', 'w' );	$content = 	'<?php		//Section for script configuraion - START	//For info, refer to the Manual.	$_url_main_site		= \''.$_POST['url_main_site'].'\'; //mysite.com/dir/	$_url_root		= \''.$_POST['url_root'].'\'; //mysite.com/	$_dir_root		= \''.$_POST['dir_root'].'\'; // /my/home/directory/ If you are unsure about the correct path to the home directory of your site in the server file system, please contact your web-hosting support for assistance.		$_site_title		= \''.$_POST['page_title'].'\';	$_site_full_name	= \''.$_POST['site_full'].'\';	$_site_brand		= \''.$_POST['site_brand'].'\';	$_site_description	= \''.$_POST['site_description'].'\';		$_mysql_username		= \''.$_POST['mysql_username'].'\';	$_mysql_userpwd		= \''.$_POST['mysql_userpwd'].'\';	$_mysql_host		= \''.$_POST['mysql_host'].'\';	$_mysql_dbname		= \''.$_POST['mysql_dbname'].'\';	//Section for script configuraion - END			$_skalinks_url[\'root\']	= $_url_root;	$_skalinks_url[\'dir\']		= $_skalinks_url[\'root\'];	$_skalinks_url[\'templates\']	= $_skalinks_url[\'root\'].\'templates/\';	$_skalinks_url[\'admin\']	= $_skalinks_url[\'root\'].\'admin/\';	$_skalinks_url[\'main_site\']	= $_url_main_site;	$_skalinks_url[\'rm_news\']	= \'skalinks.com;;	$_skalinks_dir[\'root\']	 = $_dir_root;	$_skalinks_dir[\'dir\']		 = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\']; 	$_skalinks_dir[\'admin\']	 = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\'].\'admin/\';	$_skalinks_dir[\'db_backup\']	 = $_skalinks_dir[\'admin\'].\'db_backup/\';	$_skalinks_dir[\'smarty\']	 = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\'].\'smarty/\';	$_skalinks_dir[\'template_dir\'] = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\'].\'templates/\';	$_skalinks_dir[\'compile_dir\']	 = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\'].\'compile/\';	$_skalinks_dir[\'config_dir\']	 = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\'].\'config/\';	$_skalinks_dir[\'cache_dir\']	 = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\'].\'cache/\';	$_skalinks_mysql[\'username\']	= $_mysql_username;	$_skalinks_mysql[\'userpwd\']	= $_mysql_userpwd;	$_skalinks_mysql[\'host\']	= $_mysql_host;	$_skalinks_mysql[\'dbname\']	= $_mysql_dbname;	$_skalinks_mysql[\'tbl_prefix\'] = \'dir_\';	$_skalinks_page = array	(		\'title\' => $_site_title,		\'title_add_cat\' => \'Add Category\',		\'title_add_url\' => \'Add Link\',		\'title_search\'  => \'Find your Link\',		\'title_search_result\'  => \'Search Result\',			\'title_edit_cat\' => \'Edit Category\',		\'title_edit_url\' => \'Edit Link\',		\'title_admin\' => \'Admin index page\',		\'title_link_list\' => \'Links list\',		\'title_cat_list\' => \'Categories list\',		\'title_dirtree\' => \'Tree of categories\',		);	$_skalinks_site = array	(		\'site_description\'	=> $_site_description,		\'site_full\'		=> $_site_full_name,		\'brand\'		=> $_site_brand,		\'mail_theme\'		=> \'Message\',		);	require_once( \'SkaLinks_include/English_lang.php\' );	require_once( \'SkaLinks_include/component.php\' );	require_once( \'SkaLinks_include/SkaLinks.class.php\' );	require_once( $_skalinks_dir[\'smarty\'].\'Smarty.class.php\' ); 	require_once( \'SkaLinks_include/design.php\' );	$SkaLinks = new SkaLinks( $_skalinks_mysql );	$SkaLinks->SetRootURL( $_skalinks_url[\'root\'] );	$SkaLinks->SetPrefix( $_skalinks_mysql[\'tbl_prefix\'] );	$color_theme = $SkaLinks->GetParam( \'color_theme\' );	$_skalinks_url[\'color_theme\'] = $_skalinks_url[\'templates\'].$color_theme.\'/\';			// Get some settings	$_output[\'register_users\']	= $SkaLinks->GetParam( \'register_users\' );	?>';	fwrite( $f, $content );	fclose;			// Mysql dump installation	// Connect to MySql server	$link = mysql_connect ( $_POST['mysql_host'], $_POST['mysql_username'], $_POST['mysql_userpwd']  );		mysql_select_db( $_POST['mysql_dbname'], $link );		$query = mysql_query( "SELECT `Package_ver` FROM `dir_settings` LIMIT 0,1", $link );	$package = ( $query ) ? mysql_fetch_assoc( $query ): "";		if ( !$package['Package_ver'] )	{			$sql_file = "skalinks_mysql_dump.sql";			if ( !mysql_select_db ($_POST['mysql_dbname'], $link ) )			{				die ("<font color=red>Could not select database ".$_POST['mysql_dbname'].": " . mysql_error()."</font>");				}		// Begin installation of dump file 	if ( file_exists( $_POST['dir_root']."install/".$sql_file ) )	{		$dump_file = $_POST['dir_root']."install/".$sql_file;	}	else	{		die( "<font color=red>The path to directory is wrong. Couldn't find dump file : $sql </font>" );		}		 if ( !($f = fopen ( $dump_file, "r" )) )	 {		 die( "<font color=red>Could not open file with sql instructions: $dump_file </font>" );	 }	 while ( $s = fgets ( $f, 10240) )	{		$s = trim ($s);		if ( $s[0] == '#' ) continue;		if ( $s[0] == '-' ) continue;		if ( $s[strlen($s)-1] == ';' )		{			$s_sql .= $s;		}		else		{			$s_sql .= $s;			continue;		}		$res = mysql_query ( $s_sql, $link );		if ( !$res )		{			$ret .= "<i><font color=red><b>Error</b> while executing:</i> $s_sql <br>".mysql_error()."</font><hr>";		}		$s_sql = "";	}	fclose($f);	}	else	{		while( $package['Package_ver'] < $package_version )		{		$sql_file = "upgrade_base_".$package['Package_ver'].".sql";		// Begin installation of dump file 		if ( file_exists( $_POST['dir_root']."install/".$sql_file ) )		{			$dump_file = $_POST['dir_root']."install/".$sql_file;		}		else		{			die( "<font color=red>The path to directory is wrong. Couldn't find dump file </font>" );		}			 if ( !($f = fopen ( $dump_file, "r" )) )		 {			 die( "<font color=red>Could not open file with sql instructions: $dump_file </font>" );	 	}			while ( $s = fgets ( $f, 10240) )				{				$s = trim ($s);				if ( $s[0] == '#' ) continue;				if ( $s[0] == '-' ) continue;				if ( $s[strlen($s)-1] == ';' )				{					$s_sql .= $s;				}				else				{						$s_sql .= $s;				  continue;				}				$res = mysql_query ( $s_sql, $link );				if ( !$res )				{					$ret .= "<i><font color=red><b>Error</b> while executing:</i> $s_sql <br>".mysql_error()."</font><hr>";				}				$s_sql = "";			}			fclose($f);			$new_ver = mysql_query( "SELECT `Package_ver` FROM `dir_settings`", $link );			$number_new_version = ( $new_ver ) ? mysql_fetch_assoc( $new_ver ): "";			$package['Package_ver'] = ( $number_new_version ) ? $number_new_version['Package_ver']: $package['Package_ver']+=1;	}		}	setcookie( "adminname", "admin", time()+36000000, "/" );	setcookie( "pwd", md5( "test" ), time()+36000000,"/" );	header( "Location: ".$_POST['url_root']."admin/index.php?Build_cat=yes" );	}	?>

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I know you mentioned that you hadn't messed with the file, but I may have found the error. I belive it could also cause it to say unexpected $ as well. Line 106 does contain the error. Here's a portion of the code:

	// Get some settings	$_output[\'register_users\']	= $SkaLinks->GetParam( \'register_users\' );	?>'; <--this is the error, and is line 106	fwrite( $f, $content );	fclose;			// Mysql dump installation
The error is that there is an unneeded "?>';" in it. The revised code is below:
// Get some settings	$_output[\'register_users\']	= $SkaLinks->GetParam( \'register_users\' );	fwrite( $f, $content );	fclose;			// Mysql dump installation

That's the only error I noticed right away. The rest of the file may contain more errors (but I'm not sure). Anyway, try to remove that, and see if it helps any.

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