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Psp Team Needed Need help in programmimg, graphics, ...

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OK everyone does anyone have a PSP? If not that's OK, but i would like a team of people to help me with the making of a HTML and Javascript based software, you could call it, for the PSP. I was doing everything by my self, but it was getting hard. People were asking me when it would be done and i have to tell them i dont know. I just ned help with graphics, HTML, Javascript, and testing.

Graphics would be things such as wallpapers, task bar, and start button. Although i got some of those done i do not like my task bar and start button much. If anyone is interested with me there just respond to the post and i can tell you more of what to make.

HTML would be for the actual program. Because this is not homebrew* it runs in the Internet Browser on the PSP. For it to run it has to be in HTML. It could be in Flash too, but loading time is too long. The HTML would just be like webpages that look like folders and menus. More info if you respond to the post saying you would be interested.

Now he Javascript would be for things such as the clock and games. I have some other ideas, but i dont think they would work. If someone knows a way that you could push a buton and a new icon/folder is made please tell me how. Also I was looking for someone that could make me a dictionary. I could just copy and paste one from a website, but it needs a search and make it look nice.

Testers would be just people who find problems and ask me questions for the FAQ. Testers need to have a 2.0 or above firmware and also need a way to connect the PSP to the computer.

More info on the Windows PSP project at my blog at myspace.com/bumwrecker and also on my new site i put up today hosted by Trap 17 at boozker.trap17.com

Any help would be great. Maybe just one person to make a start button and some one to write a script for the dictionary and stuff would be awesome. I'll put your name and website in the About page on my site and also on Windows PSP itself. And i'm looking for a team for Buddha Productions more info if your interested.


*Homebrew is unofficial programs made for the PSP. Homebrew has its name because programmers would make it at there home.

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OK great what would you like in on?

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I do own 2 PSPs (the original, and the slim one). Sorry, but i cant help as i don't have the time.I'm guessing from the first paragraph that you are trying to make some software similar to windows applications.I have found, that the PSPs browser is quite goodat re-formatting web pages, and interpreting javascript, so making PSP specific web scripts may well be pointless.

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