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Computer Buying Tips before you get computer,

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In the past, I've always bought the extended warranty when purchasing my electronics: laptop, ipod, printer... all that jazz. I guess I've been lucky but I've never really used / taken advantage of my warranties. I've found that a lot of the warranties extend from 1 yr to 3 yrs which is great if you're looking at the "better be safe than sorry" side of things. But the fact to the matter is (and from personal experience as well), by the time 3 years has passed, the technology has changed so much that the initial cost of the warranty could probably afford a new model of the product that you need repairing.Long story short, I really have to ask myself if warranties are worth it. I guess this is relative to the user. People who really push their equipment ought to opt for a warranty (assuming that using something more increases its chance for malfunction) while users who are sure to take care of their purchases should think twice before shelling out the extra cash. I guess I?m still a believer that if the object is a problematic one, the problems should come through during the one year warranty term.In regard to computers, I feel that desktops are better if they are built than if they are purchased as a bundle. There?s greater customization and of course, knowing what is in your computer (because you?re the one who put it there) is a pretty good feeling.But if you?re thinking of buying a computer now, perhaps reconsider and hold off your purchase for the time being. With Windows Vista being released soon (perhaps sometime this Christmas holiday?) and being as demanding as it is, it would be safe to assume that a lot of the hardware that is out there right now wouldn?t be quite up to par.Ah technology. We can never keep up.

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Building your own computer based on your liking is my preference.Also when acquiring free softwares it is much more easy to have an open source because it is always developed and maintained. ^_~

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hey dude you've done a great work.This will be very useful for the people who are gonna buy a new computer. These can also be followed when we are about to buy any electronic device or software.Keep the work going on.

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