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How To Convince Atheists Of God's Existence

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well i dont really believe in the total existence....but i think there is something bigger/better than us out there

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In the end, it's not what we say that'll convince someone that Jesus died for him/her so that he/she can go to heaven. We plant the seeds, but the flower might not bloom yet. Another person might have to water it. But in the end, God allows that flower to grow by using the Holy Spirit.


What are you smoking? I know that the connection about Jesus dying = opens gates of heaven bit came long after he died and the pope / bishops "connected the dots" - all "according to scripture".


I also want to know - what the prophets were smoking?

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To be religius is to have a specials reletionship with God. This, not be cause he/she is better then others, but cause he or she have been loved by God. God loved everyones as they are. This mean also if they are bads. and one need god more if he is bad. That is why religius people are never the best ones :P But religius know that this word need a light, but also need thoese who will use this light, and even thoese who will refuse this light. The religius persons are the light that shows by their acts (not convincing) that God love everyone. all the rest don't have to be light, just "illuminated". A small part will not accept the light, but God love them too and they are necesary to rember to illuminated and Lights that the death exist. If you are religius, you will understand, if not you will think I'm crazy, and that I do what in Italy we call "Mental Masturbation" :PB):P:)

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I am an Atheist, I do not yet believe there is a god, and to be truthful, I don't want to worship a god. Sure he/she/it has my thanks if he/she/it does something good for me, but worship is abit to far.What does piss me off it people trying to convert me to their religion. I am not interested in living by someone else's rules based on a being that I don't think exists. Why the need to try and force people to worship god? What I want to say is mostly covered in DogEater008's post, and that post was frazed alot better than I could.

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Here's a question that I always ask those god-believing pushers:


:P If god created all of this stuff, who created god?


:P What was here before god?


:) Did god have a god?


So, you really believe that god created the entire universe --- shortly after creating HIMSELF?! I mean, he couldn't exactly go about creating a universe if he didn't exist. I don't really care that if he created himself before there was a universe, he would have to be completely non-etheral... which I guess you already believe, but it leaves the question "who created god?".


Another question for "intelligent design" fans, why did he put the male's testes where they could be kicked? That's not intelligent at all - I would have come up with something MUCH better than <B) OUCH!> that.


I'm sure you can find the questions with the smileys next to them in the link i provided.


[1]ROFL! :P Oh man, that's some joke. But, lol, to talk about such, it's wrong to kick a man there. God does not promote such a thing. It would be like kicking yourself there, if you're a man. But, tell me where would you have placed them at?


i agree...everytime a "christian" is asked these types of questions they just give you a blank stare. but there has to be an answer to it....and i think the answer is that there is no god.

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...everytime a "christian" is asked these types of questions they just give you a blank stare.

The blank stare would come from lack of knowledge of their religion. It is easier to pick on "newbies" than it is to pick on the experienced. I would suggest those who receive a blank stare to ask the person how long they've been in their religion. Though, i must admit knowledge comes (faster) with the more work you put into something. A person who has been in something longer than another can have less knowledge in that something than the other.

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The blank stare would come from lack of knowledge of their religion. It is easier to pick on "newbies" than it is to pick on the experienced. I would suggest those who receive a blank stare to ask the person how long they've been in their religion. Though, i must admit knowledge comes (faster) with the more work you put into something. A person who has been in something longer than another can have less knowledge in that something than the other.


When I was about 19 yrs - I had too many questions, so I asked my priest at the time to let me get a few hours of his time to talk about my questions about faith. Not a "newbie" to say the very least; he was my favorite at our old parish, and we had a few really holy men as "Father". I must add that this great priest was one who had seen time as a field priest (chaplain?) in Beiruit during the crazy periods (I think that some of it was during the worst period of conflict there during past 25 years - but, maybe today is worse). He had such perspective as he had held many dying soldiers in his arms.... yet, we discussed all of my questions in as great detail as we could - and he could not answer any of my questions to any level of my satisfaction. It all came down to "faith"... and I was similar to the "doubting Thomas - who had asked to see the wounds of christ".


Why did there have to be a sacrifice of a living creature (I define Jesus as a living creature, wouldn't you?) - to open the gates of heaven? I wonder why does God need to see things from man's persepective - because I have been told many times that this is why God allowed his son to die.


Why can't women be priests? I really thought that he'd have the answer for this one for me --- but his answer pretty much sealed the deal with my respect to further "Faith" on this behalf.... Women can't become priests because they have mensus! They bleed from the crotch - and that was once considered filthy and not to be on the altar - or something along those lines.


Well, maybe he could explain the whole if God created everything, who created God??? Did he create himself? I really pressed him on this one - and again, "Faith". I say "there's more proof of alien visitors in UFO's than proof of God" - yep.


God just - woke up one morning and decided he'd create himself? The real answer is - and this is historical fact for the weary, man created God - not the other way around. Don't even try to argue the fact that Gods were created by ancient civilizations long ... long ... long before Moses, Mohammed, and Jesus. No real surprise when some guy in a desert who has been without food and / or sleep for several days thinks that he talked to God (no specific guy in the desert, just pick your prophet).


So, if you want to convince an athiest on the existence of God, you will most-likely be making yourself look like a fool to them. As to how to convince them??? Try answering any one of my questions above.

Edited by Brian Gillingham (see edit history)

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Certainly, he was not a "newbie", but like i've mentioned before, doing something longer than others doesn't mean you're better at it than others.


...and he could not answer any of my questions to any level of my satisfaction.

Well, just like a business: You can't please everyone.


Why did there have to be a sacrifice of a living creature (I define Jesus as a living creature, wouldn't you?) - to open the gates of heaven?

You might've already heard this, but i'll say it anyways. We all know life is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). It is because of that life that allows sin offerings/sacrifices to atone for sins. So, then why a human being? Why not continue with livestock? Well, like every prophet, they all had their own specific duty to fulfill. The same outcome was basically the same: bring people back to God. But nonetheless, they all had their own thing to do. Not only did Jesus' crucifiction bring back billions upon billions of people back to God--even till this day, it also gave him the title that is above all names, and giving the ability to atone for sins through faith.


We know the dead can't save the "dead", so Christ was ressurected and is still living.


Why can't women be priests?

I have never been engaged with this question before. I am inexperienced with this question, so the part colored in red, in your post, would have to suffice for now.


God just - woke up one morning and decided he'd create himself?

If you believe that energy can't be created nor destroyed, why do you ask "Who/what created God?"? However, this is said with the assumption that you do believe that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.


So, if you want to convince an athiest on the existence of God, [1]you will most-likely be making yourself look like a fool to them. [2]As to how to convince them??? Try answering any one of my questions above.

[1]I wouldn't say "most likely", maybe "always". But we still try, eventhough we know it's in vain.

[2]Like with [1], i'm pretty sure these answers were said in vain, but i try either way.

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You are funny. You didn't answer anything - other than raise a few more questions.

If you don't have an answer, you probably shouldn't comment - like "You can't please everyone" doesn't answer anything for anybody.... we're looking for convincing proof - not suppositions. So, that one is a non-answer.

It is barbaric to think like Leviticus -

We all know life is in the blood. It is because of that life that allows sin offerings/sacrifices to atone for sins

- this is as bad as the supposed bad quotes that the media in the west takes from the Koran. This is freaking insane - think about it logically for just a second - and ask yourself how killing one thing attones for something else = crazy freaking blood-thirsty savage behavior. So, I ask why sacrifice - and you say "because of BLOOD?!" I'd say that this certainly qualifies as a non-answer for me. Even if sacrafices continued as livestock, that's voodoo baby! It all gave me more questions about this thirst for BLOOD.
There have barely been a billion christians to this current date -- through all of history, added up.

Ummmm.... why did the gates of heaven have to be opened with a sacrifice? - no answer

If you believe that energy can't be created nor destroyed, why do you ask "Who/what created God?"? However, this is said with the assumption that you do believe that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

I have to quote you here -- because you fail a grammar check - and I need to have it here to reference.... what the hell are you trying to say? Are you saying that God created himself if I agree that energy can be created and nor [sic] destroyed? Not an answer. Not convinced... even more convinced that I am talking to a fool (like I predicted).
I will have to give you a passing grade for the effort, but sadly - I am left solidly convinced that there is not a God - thanks to your ramblings. Does any Bishop or Priests want to chime in here???? I used to be an altar boy for 18 years, so you better be one of the non-abusing priests. (can you tell that I feel that the catholic church's official handling of known abuse cases has blacklisted them for me!)

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Well, at least you went through most of it. Thanks for your time to contribute.

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Atheist all the way,and back..How To Convince Atheists Of God's Existence

Great stuff..I do not have the heart to tell children that Santa Claus does not exist..But If a child asked me if SC did exist ..I would tell the child simply , no.. This existence would be much more palatable,if we let loose with  tradition, and let free thinking and logic become available to children,rather than have what Grandma and Grandpa shoved down our throats..

-reply by Casey

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