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Albus Dumbledore

Gift For Mich From Me Meh, a gift signature for Mich, not top quality...but hey

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Well, i was bored, and was looking around the forums, and realized that there are some good posts in her, so i decided to make a signature for her... and well here it is, it is not exactly top quality, but eh. even though she is probably a better sig maker than me...here it is


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Edited by Albus Dumbledore (see edit history)

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decided to make a signature for her...

Well, for heavens sake, :lol: it took me this long to find your wonderful gift. THANKS! Albus. You even zeroed in on one of my favorite colors, green. :lol: Can't say I have ever looked in the gifts sub-forum. I noticed the title down in the "Latest Activity" box at the page bottom.

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