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Fossil Linking Land To Sea ...and how some people still dont see the light, as it were

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Recently, a fossil was unearthered that bridged the gap between land animals and fish. It had devloped 'flippers' and opposable digits and was believed to be able to survive both in and out of the water. (I'd link ot the actual article but I'm lazy). Yet creationalists are still holding to "god created man" and to them (and I quote from a creationalist trying to explain this finding to me) "that means that god created man. not an ape to ;evolve' into man. that's just silly. these fossils are just first attempts by god to create the perfect creatures which we see today. Those old *person*-erectus fossils arejust pre-man attempts who went against god and died for their sins." My question is this:

Will the creationalist camp ever just give up and admit to fact?


First is started with the world being the center of the universe. proven wrong

Then is was the world was flat. proven wrong

Later it was against evolution. proven wrong


It's still against evolution! Even being proven wrong time and time again, with more and more evidence supporting evolution, the big bang, et cetera, these creationalists are still holding to those few lines in that one book that basically sums to "god created everything." Deciding not to start a relgious debate on how asinine it is to belive the same thing for so long against so much fact based on one book written by people living hundreds of years after-the-fact, I refer back to my origional question. Why? Why can;t they just let it go? If someone proposes a theory and it holds for decades, even centuries, and then science comes along with better answers and proves it wrong... people accept it. They don't hold to nonsense about the earth being flat anymore. We have pictures! We have people in outter space right now looking at our spherical planet. Same with evolution; we have fossil records of metamorphic change in the structure and adaptations of our ancestors.


My take on this whole fossil thing is that we are one step closer to mapping our evolution. Like the human genome project, all we need is time to find all these fossils. Eventually, we'll be able to complete a map of day 1 to present and at that time, we will look back at our accomplishment in awe.

Edited by Chez (see edit history)

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Humm....I dont agree with either that 'God' created everything nor that everything came from a big bang. to be honest I dont know how thnigs came to be, nor do I really care, its here now so thats all that matters. But think of it this way. How come that every animal on earth is perfectly suited to where it lives. I'm sure that a polar bear didnt start in Australia and decide it was too hot so kept moving untill it found one of the poles. It was put there somehow, like I said I dont know how or why but it was.I dont think the question is HOW? its now WHY?Although it is very strong evidence for evolution it doesnt mean evolution is the only way. Religion is strong evidence for any creation theory, that many people belive one story is some form of evidence. Although a fossil is much stronger it doesnt mean its right.

Edited by shadowx (see edit history)

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Religion is strong evidence for any creation theory, that many people belive one story is some form of evidence. Although a fossil is much stronger it doesnt mean its right.

I don't follow that logic at all... that something must be right if enough people believe it is, even if there is stronger evidence.

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