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Note Feature Version(s) 2 Types for different actions

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I guess that the [ note= ] doesn't work then? Maybe add the note= and change the colours, then you will have both of them available for different purposes. One to attract attention and the other to be used on warnings, etc. ie: one for all users to use and another for mods/admins only???


Jlhaslip was refering to my forum and stuff, but what if Xisto would add another version of the Note Feature. Like at my IPB, I have one for moderators giving messages, and one of giving warnings, bans, and stuff of that nature.




Version 1

Used for giving tips to members about that post

Moving posts/topics


Closed topic

Opened topic

Message to creator of post (ie: don't use excessive smilies ... ... ... ...)

Version 2

Warned (reason)


Excessive caps

Excessive cursing



2nd Warning

Version 1 could be used for non-disciplinary action, like moving topics, and leaving a message about something, or telling the member to do something different next time.


Version 2 could be used when issuing a warning, closing a topic, deleting a post, making a very important note, noting a spam post, and stuff that needs action to be taken.


The V1 can have the normall css, and the V2 could have like a light red/maroon background, or something to make it stand out. I'll post some images later. Hopefully members can comment on this.





Does anyone care about this topic?

Edited by MaineFishing45 (see edit history)

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i think that this would be a great idea. Anytime that you can differentiate something between normal and disciplinary it will help reduce confusion. I would suggest making the non-disciplanary version maybe a blue color to differentiate it from the normal test of the post or forum.

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It is a good ideal, but i am sure that the mods and admins would rather just type "moved to appropriate forum" rather than change the ways they work it and have to remeber a new code like maybe [note red=] You are being suspended for a week for excessive warnings and many verbal warnings[/note red] or somthing like that.... but i would definatly think somthing like that would be cool to have here just so some of the members dont get the impression that they are being punished by getting a verbal warning, or vise versa..so they know they are being punished harshly for swearing excessivley etc.. thats a good ideal Maine

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