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Application For Gfxtrap.com Crew [see Pinned Topic For New]

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Well After Seeing some new blood and a second wind in the graphics forum we are going to reopen the appilcation process but their is going to be some new rules to this so make sure to read them.



This information is needed for your staff page on the website.


When applying you need to make a seperate topic with the following info in it.


Topic Title GFX Crew Appilication: [your name here]



Real Name (optional):





Experience in graphics:


Areas of expertise:


Other graphics sites worked at(optional):


Past positions at other graphics sites(optional):


Current positions at other graphics sites(optional):


How much you can be on each day:


How many templates/sigs/resources could you make a week:


Examples of your work:



You can enter more than just sigs. If you do any 3d stuff, renders, brushes, etc etc., go ahead and link it. But remember, the image limit is 10, so after 10 images, just link to any additional stuff. This is just examples though, so don't post everything you've ever made.


Now for the rules


1. You must be active in the forums if all you can do is 1 or 2 posts a week thats fine as long as you remain active.


2. You must provide resources for other people to use ie: brushes, renders, fonts, tutorials, psds, forum skins. at least once a week minimum.


3. Tutorials they must be of your own work and not copied from another site and posted under your own name.


4. You must be active in the graphics forum 1-2 posts a minimum either commenting on other peoples work or posting your own. Also you must at least participate in the SOTW contests as well, if just one entry a month thats fine.


5. If we see no activity from you in one month you will be taken off the members list and put on the contributors list and your staff page removed from the site.


6. Also we need of people help update the site when it needs to be so as a member you will have access to the cute news to update the site for any current happenings and to update your staff page.


7. As a recommendation if you have a website join up in the affiliates page and the topsites as well.


8. Also to keep communication going between the staff and the members the applicant must have either aim, msn, yahoo, googletalk for quicker communication.


These are the rules so far and they will be adjusted if neccesary, ONLY apply if you can follow the rules that we require for a staff member. You will be contact by pm to know that you have been accepted if not accepted your topic will be closed.


Notice from Johnny:
Edited topic title to say Application instead of Appilication

Notice from saint-michael:
added johnny's changes to the rules, fixed some editing for the appilication.

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If concerned about spam, you may use an image for your email, or use any anti-spam formats (e.g. [at], [dot], etc).

Made an image generator for one's convenience: Image Generator. Just type in your email, and after submitting, save the image for later use.

Edited by truefusion (see edit history)

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If concerned about spam, you may use an image for your email, or use any anti-spam formats (e.g. [at], [dot], etc).
Made an image generator for one's convenience: Image Generator. Just type in your email, and after submitting, save the image for later use.

Neato. Thanks TF.

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Question:How will you officialy know if you are accepted or Denied?

Well, taking this question into my own hands, i would say there are at least two ways of knowing that you've been accepted. First way: Personal message declaring that you've been accepted; you may consider this as a phone call from an employer, where they'll call to let you know that you've been hired, but wont call otherwise. And another way is by seeing your name on the list found here: Xisto GFX Crew. Though, i wouldnt trust the list all that much.
Edited by truefusion (see edit history)

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