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My Schools Computer Network

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ok so its like this: the ICT technicians at my school are complete idiots, once last year at beginning of year 10 i managed to open up a program on the server that allows teachers to control the users in the same classroom, well i managed to get access to this program and had some fun with it, ever since then the technicians have banned me from the computers on the network, occassionally allowing me back on the computers only to ban me a few days later, well the last time i got banned all i did was go the UK Hacker News Network (*edit*[dot]com), its just a news website and they banned me and what was they're excuse "We checked your internet log and found you have been visiting hacking websites and we have banned you because of this." all i have to say on the matter is W.T.F. :(


Notice from jlhaslip:
As mentioned below, Hacking and discussion about Hacking will not be tolerated on this Forum.

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Well, Hacking is not discussed on this Forum, so do not even mention the word. The first and only penalty for Hacking related issues in immediate suspension. Just warning you. I'll remove that link up there, too.

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