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Unjustly Accused Of Hacking

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Okay so I'm sure a lot of you have heard me complain about my science teacher, right? Well if you haven't, here is a little overview: He gives us a lot of bull crap projects to do with no educational value, he always blames everything on us ("you chose to have global warming happen"), and he always acts so jewish even though he isn't (he converted because he got married to a jewish woman, and if you convert just because of that, then you don't have what is called the "jewish soul" and you are not jewish in the eyes of G-d.) He always gives preferential treatment to his daughter which is in his class, and never actually teaches us science (i can't recall a single science thing I've learned so far, and the school year is two-thirds over).


Alright so for the first half of the year, I was the person who updated his teacher webpage, which shows like assignments and when they're due and stuff, and so naturally, I had his passwords. Well, I hate him, so I decided to botch his webpage but decided against it later. Somehow, some other people found out the passwords, and they changed a whole bunch of stuff on his website (like putting profanities and stuff). So yesterday, he talked about with me outside the class, and here is how the so-called "civil conversation" went:


Him: What ever you are doing to my webpage, just stop.

Me: But I didn't -

Him: No, Michelle, just stop.

Me: But I -

Him: Just stop.

Me: Listen to m -

Him: Please, just stop.

[at this point, he opens the door because he thinks the conversation is over but he is wrong]


Him: Stop -

Me: URGGHHH!!!!!

[at this point, I storm off to a nearby girls lavatory to cool down because I'm so freaking angry]


So I stayed in the girls bathroom for about five minutes, and then i entered the classroom, looking perfectly calm, and sat down to watch some lame slideshow about various kinds of paper.


When class was over, a whole bunch of people congratulated me on screaming at the teacher, and I frankly didn't care if I would get detention (which I didn't because I'm so elusive, hehehe)

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It's obvious he was treating you like a child. I feel sorry for his daughter, he probably treats her like a baby at home. He no doubt expects respect from his students, but probably doesn't realize respect has to be earned. He's being patronizing to you. Don't wait until the next time he wants to talk to you. Just go up to him after school and tell him not to patronize you. Remind him you're a young lady now, not a little girl or child. And you expect him to treat you like a young lady. And if he expects to have a conversation with you, you would appreciate him not jumping to conclusions that disparage your character. Ask him what he's doing to investigate the vandalism to his website. Tell him you will be more than willing to talk to the computer teacher about it for him, so he can find out who did it. Tell him it can be found out easily from inspecting the logs when and where the changes were made. Be very reasonable and just act like "of course" there should be an investigation. Maybe you can get your name cleared. Maybe the guy will even apologize. Just don't work on his website for him anymore anyway.The key thing is to keep your cool, and not start ranting about it. If you want them to treat you like an adult, you have to play it cool and keep very calm. If you just keep quiet and keep your ears open, you may hear who actually did the changes to his site. Either he's careless about leaving his password lying around, or he's using one that's easy to guess. Or.....the most likely person to be able to find out his password would be his own kids. Maybe his daughter did it. Possibly to get you in trouble. But he probably won't take your word over his own daughter anyway.

Edited by Earths Daughter (see edit history)

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Hahaha... thats funny. Same thing happened to me, but I was saved by HT and IPS for replying. Anyways, back on topic :( I think that is total crap. Why do teachers give you passwords that are there passwords for everything, my password is my PASSWORD and it is different for everysite and stuff, so thats really odd and funny at the same time. Anyways, that sux for you, and how can his daughter be in the same class?? I mean schools are not supposed to do that by LAW :(. Anyways good luck :(

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well heres a positive thing about this situation you know more then him when concerns computer related topics. Its his fault for giving that password out to so many people. But the thing with school computers is that they are really not all secure to begin with yeah they got filters but really only a "smart person" would not realize to give the password to like 1-2 people and they do all the work not 9-10 people and then letting their friends now how to get in.so you tell your teacher to get real and pay attention to who works on that computer.

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Yes, i agree, that teacher is making himself sound like a total idiot. There's only so many ways that a person can get your password. IE. He told someone else and they told you or something. I highly doubt a student would have the resources to hack something like that, you have to get into some underground hacking society or something just to get the program. Unless of course your teacher is an idiot and left his password lying around.

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It's like this at my school. The teachers seem to think that they instantly have our respect and we should be worshiping them or something, yet they treat the students worse than the rubbish they throw away. For example, at my school there are very few students that know anything about computers, one of which is me. Just because me and a few mates know one of the ICT technicians any slight problem, indication of anything against the rules or not allowed is immediately pinned on us. So far we have managed to avoid anything they throw at us, but they are still ignorant to the fact that there are 1,400 other students who could have done something! Just say you'll stop updating the web page if he doesn't appologise. Or you could change his password :(

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