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Sibling Ties And Caring For Loved One ...a day at the hospital.

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Well, I wake up this morning around 10 to my girlfriend talking on the phone to her mother. I heard her say "Why is Whitney in the E.R.?" (Whitney is the gf's little sister) and shot straight up out of bed completely awake. Now, growing up I had no sisters. All I had was an older brother. So I never really had to have to worry about a younger sibling. But this morning, I was worried as hell. It amazed me.. this girl that I just pick on and usually never thought much about beyond her being my gf's little sister is all of a sudden in trouble and I'm scared. After the initial worry diminished, it felt quite good. I believe I now know what it's like to have a little sister that you care for. I sat by her bed for about 2 hours this morning petting her hair while she was passed out on morphine. Luckily though it wasn't as bad as I thought. She got food poisoning from McDonalds (her and one of her brothers) and started vomiting/urinating/excrementing blood. Her mother said her bathroom looked like a crime scene. She's ok now.. just sleeping it off for a couple days in the hospital (she's small and has a weak body so they kept her for a couple days).. but I am exhausted. Worry is a tiring thing. =/ I expect in the future I will see her quite differently now.Anyway, that's my vent. I'm going to go have a beer and relax until it's my turn to visit again tonight.

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wow that is just a little bit of streess your going through...and McDonalds YEK! the only thing i like from them are their fries and McFlurries..but wow @

vomiting/urinating/excrementing blood

and McDonalds did this to them? what was wrong with the food? rat poisin in it *lmao*..maybe that beer will help or maybe you need somthing a bit stronger..tequila for instance :-D

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I'm not sure what caused it yet. You can guarantee we'll be getting in contact with McDonalds soon. I'll do it myself if I have to =/And I did start mixing up rum-n-cokes .. on #3 right now with a beer between each.As a rule I eat only fries and the occasional McChicken from McDonalds. I've hated their food for years =/ I like Wendy's or Burger King or Jack in the Box.

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omg wendys! thats a good place right there! i love their food and their frostys!! they are the best not plain ice cream, nor milkshakes but it is hecka good!! lol..the only thing i eat there is their fries *only if their hot* and McFlury's...lol but wow i hope it gets figred out and maybe you can sue for pain and suffering....watch them offer a free meal at their resturant omg id be pissed!

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I'm going to strongly suggest a lawsuit to the parents. The McDonalds corporation has plenty of money, they will want to settle out of court. I'll give them my mom's lawyer and get them a good sum. That's only because I'm pissed off at McDonalds, I don't get anything out of it other than my new-found little sister being ok.

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well even so, the mom can sue for pain and suffering..the cleaning bill...the cleaning supplys if she cleaned it herself...you could stack up the bill on them...

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There's the normal pain/suffering. Hospital bills. Cleaning bills. Etc etc. I'm going to make sure it gets all taken care of. Their dad is lazy and their mom wouldn't know where to start. She's a hospital volunteer not a lawyer.. so I'm gonna help em.

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thats cool that you will help out..lol i think i learned most of this stuff like what you can sue for from this one lawsuit my dad had with a place called purfect auto...we went in for a tune-up and it came out worse than it went in...(its an auto shop btw) and we had to take it back like 4 times..well we had to pay somthing each time..and at the end we ended up taking it to the dealer for the check-up and it turns out they put the screws for the wrong car in the tranny pan, wrong spark plugs in the car, wrong oil causing our motor to go bonkos..so we irigionally sued them for 700 bucks which came to be the total of the dealership fixing it *400 bucks curse ford!* and gas to get there back etc..and their origional bills...lol well we settled out of court and they agree'd to pay the 700 dollars..well they did but the check bounced...so now we are sueing them i thnk it is 5 times the origional amount which was 700 dollars plus pain and suffering..and omg the bill came up so high :-D we havent been to court yet.. i believe it is 5times origional cost thuough...but i mean you can rack the price up!! make sure you do!!

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I banned fast food after I had a horrible day with McDonald's French Fries. One day on the way to my bf's house, I stopped and had McDonald's around 2pm. That evening with him, a cyst I had on my ovary (previously unknown to me) burst causing pain. When it hightened around 10pm, I had my mom take me to the hospital. They could not figure out what was wrong with me, so they filled me with liquids, including ones that made me throw up. Ok, you know how sometimes you chomp on fries, don't really chew them apart, and swollow them as mushed strands? Well when I threw them up at 2am (12 hours later), they still had the impression of teeth marks. I will never eat fast food again ><That being said, stories of food poisening from those places are heard daily around my campus. Its surprising a bigger deal is not made of this. It's something we all just brush off saying "oh, that's just the fast food restaurant." It is really sad.

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....this is scary o.oI dont eat at McDonalds very often because the food isn't very tasty.. but now I'm just paranoid XD;Hope the kid is okay... good luck with your lawsuit? o.o

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it's a really hard thing if something like that happens, especially if food is concerned. it's kinda weird to hear that a fast food chain could spoil the food they're serving (i dunno in your place but here, cleanliness is a rule of thumb, nobody should mess with that). indeed food poisoning is a huge problem, and it's very difficult if you get sued because there was something faulty with your service. i remembered when my younger brother got hospitalized frequently because he had stomache aches. my parent's first guess was about the food he eats at school, while i just told them that my brother probably just don't chew his food properly (just swallow and gulp :(). at least the worst case was just being confined. one doctor advised that he should be operated and have his appendix removed because of the pain, good thing we looked for other doctors' opinions on it.

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well i was going to say she might be lactose and tolerant but im glad i finished reading it about the food poisoning, but yeah get them good, most likly the employee was having a bad day so he or she basically said the hell with and never wash their hands or tainted the food but yeah get a few gs from them well even though i never really experianced it but yeah get them good Z-man.

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Yeah I never actuallly felt much about family ties until I came to study abroad. I guess it's definitely true to say ''absence makes the hearts grow fonder''.But yeah....I now realise I have a good fallback, if I fall. And my family always help with a lot of things (which they have always done, but I might not have realised before.) Anyway, say, I have my final exams coming up (which will count for 100% of my law degree)....The exams are really hard...To illustrate, we have 10 exams on 10 consecutive days, no break. The exams are on everything we have covereed in three years. A lot of my friends' family members are coming to stay with them for that exam period. So is my little sister, who is coming to help prepare food and stuff for me. This is so that I can just concentrate on my exams etc. To be honest, I think I would do the same for her if she had to do this kinda thing. But yeah.....when you are in hardship, you see who really cares for you. :)

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