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Alternate Gfxtrap Splash Page

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this was an older design that I had all I would have to do is make a few edits here and there so what do you all think fo this one?



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Way too busy, in my opinion. You sure vector/tech is the only professional way to go? I've been able to make professional looking graphics with abstract-grunge brushes. Though, they contained patterns, as well as styles.Oh, and do we really need a splash page?

Edited by truefusion (see edit history)

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Oh, and do we really need a splash page?


A very good question! In my opinion all a splash page does is delay the visitor from getting to the content. Considering most web sites are all about content, a splash page contradicts with what it is you want a visitor to do, browse the site, it just throws up a hurdle for them. I personally don't like them, here's an article from http://webdesign.about.com/od/navigation/a/aa020303a.htm that discusses the pros and cons of splash pages to help you make your own decision.


Splash Pages: Pros and Cons

From Jennifer Kyrnin,


What is a Splash Page and Should You Use One

What is a Splash Page?


Splash pages are an introductory page to your Web site. They typically offer one or two of the following features:


* graphic or logo

* animation or flash movie

* choice of how to enter the site (flash/no-flash, etc.)

* technical requirements (browser, version, etc.)


Splash pages can be very popular, especially for designers, as they are a way to show your skills in Flash and other technologies on a single page. But before you run out and build your own splash page, you should consider all the pros and the cons.


Pros to Splash Pages


* Splash pages are fast loading, they get all the information up quickly on the first page without scrolling.

* Splash pages ensure that your readers see your animation or flash, at least once.

* They are a great way to show off your best work, like a portfolio.

* Splash pages allow your readers to choose the site technology that fits them.

* You can then use your server logs to see what the breakdown is of your actual customers.


Cons to Splash Pages


* The usability of a splash page is completely flawed.

* Many readers don't like splash pages - and in some studies 25% of visitors left a site right after seeing a splash page.

* Splash pages break search engines. Since many splash pages only include a flash animation there isn't a lot for a search engine to optimize on. And if you add content to the page in comments you can be penalized for spamdexing.

* The animation can be repetitive. Readers who have seen the flash don't often want to sit through it again, but if you forget to include a "skip" option they will have to.

* While the flash movie or fancy animation may look really nice, the impression they make may be one of pretentiousness rather than detailing your skills.

* If you submit your splash page to a search engine, the JavaScript codes that move customers to the next page may prevent the search engine from adding any page on the site.


My Opinion of Splash Pages


I find them annoying. I don't like to link to them, and I don't feel that the benefits of choosing the site that works best for my browser outweighs the annoyance. I personally, wouldn't recommend them. But once you've reviewed all the pros and cons, you should make your own decision.


"Since many splash pages only include a flash animation there isn't a lot for a search engine to optimize on." The same could be said for a splash page that contains only a graphic. If you really must have a splash page, I agree with truefusion, this one looks too busy and I'm not a fan of red backgrounds. Even though it is busy, it doesn't really tell the visitor much about the site, so what purpose does it serve? In fact, what is the purpose of any splash page? To tell a visitor about the site? If you let them get straight to the content, they would find that out anyway. Please don't be disheartened by our comments, you wanted our opinions.

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If you ask me...the only real point in a splashpage...is like said in that article...for system requirments...what is the best browser to use etc....other than that its kinda usless...

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