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Scientists Find New Haven For...... Undiscovered Species In New Guinea, Like a Galapagos 2.0, almost

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The full article isn't available any more, but this is what I remember from when I read it a couple days ago:

Scientists recently found a new place in remote New Guinea that is practically unreachable except by air. There they found hundreds of new species of mammals, birds, plants, and other things. Among the birds found were two species previously thought to be almost extinct and new varieties of "birds of paradise." Mammals found included new kinds of tree kangaroos and the extremely rare echidna. For the most part, the animals ignored the scientists and were not afraid, indicating little to no previous exposure to humans. The only nearby people are an indigenous tribe who would not have been able to get to the site easily.


Notice from KuBi:
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this is exciting news it's a pitty one has to pay to find out the rest of the article. I bet it's very interesting and some photos would be great. I wonder how different are the species from what we know, i guess not much but being not afraid of humans as far as i know has to do with non existing threats for them(as predators and so). I've seen on tv that there's a island in great britain where because of non-existing predators animals and birds do not fear man.

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