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My Dad Is Drunk.... .....and its not even 10:30. Sad.

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Okay so tonight me and my mom and my dad went to this woman named Lena's house. Now, my mom has always had sort of an unsteady relationship with this woman, but she decided to go anyways. So here is some background:


Her son is named Roman and I have known him since I was 5 years old. But lately since he is now a teenager and crap, he has people calling him every five minutes begging for him to hang out with him. Now, I'm not saying that Roman is narcissistic, but he is a little full of himself (he is selling one of his myspace "top 8" friends spaces on eBay), but overall he is a cool guy to hang out with and he is really nice. His parents are freakishly rich and they live in this beautiful rambler house in one of the most upscale neighborhoods in all of Minnesota. Well I came to there house with my best friend Natalie, and we started off the night innocently enough (ate dinner, watched 40 year-old virgin, and played cards), and before I knew it, it was time to leave. As we were driving home (mom driving, me in the front seat, dad passed out in the back), my mom started yelling at me about how I embarassed her (this argument was punctuated with screams of "WHAT THE HELL?!" on my part, and incoherent grunts from the backseat). Well, I admit, I did call my mom crazy when I saw her cradling Lena's dog in her arms (my mom is irrationally afraid of pets), and I said my dad smelled really bad (a mixture of cognac, chocolate truffles, and deviled eggs), but other than that I was a freakin angel! I didn't utter ONE russian swear word or tell a SINGLE dirty joke! I. AM. A. SAINT. Anyway, the carride terminated in my crying, my mom irate, my dad still passed out, and an empty threat of me not going anywhere with my parents ever again, from my mom.


So yeah, an irate me ran down to the basement and valiantly typed this all through a curtain of angry tears.


Have a glorious day.

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Sorry about that sis. Mothers really have ways to annoy the crap out of you. My mother still thinks I'm twelve and she still expects me to go with her for parties at her friends' houses. :(

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well if he's passed out on the back seat he might just have a drinking problem, parents can be a real pain sometimes. I grew up with my mum and let her know who was boss when I was very young (12 or so) and after that I had no issues with her. My dad could also be called a drunk, but he doesn't pass out when we are out, he just drinks way too much.... but what can i say, you can choose your friends but not your parents

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I grew up with my mum and let her know who was boss when I was very young (12 or so) and after that I had no issues with her.

So you started earning the family keep, organising finances, paying bills, doing the grocery shopping and preparing food when you were 12 did you?

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i started paying board when i was 13, did grocery shopping all the time, and at 12 I could prepare and cook a lot of meals, i didn't do it that often as I would eat out with my friends a lot more than eating at home.

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What you are saying about your mom taking out her anger at your dad on you is something that parents commonly put their kids through. Last summer we had my cousins over a lot (something like every other weekend). Well, my younger cousin was annoying me all the time and every one else who was around. My mom was fed up with it and when I did basically nothing she exploded on me because she didn't want to yell at my cousin. That kind of stuff happens.

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