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Latest Design Gfxtrap.com

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well i was looking for design stuff i have found this one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

mind you im still not done editing it but right now its both xhtml and css validated


also those are temp colors until i find some suitable ones to use.

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Not to mention quite a few of those affiliate images aren't showing/are in a random configuration. It definately needs some heavy optimization/redesigning. I also am using Firefox, and I don't see much of interest - Just the same oversized header, two grey nav bars, and a bit of content in the middle; not too impressive, to be frank.By the way, I affiliated my website with GFXTrap - so why isn't my button on that list (or displayed on the GFXTrap pages)?

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i got the layout figured out just have to fine tune it, btw I HATE FIREFOX it makes my life misrable ;).but anyways i might have to do a splash page with a link to ie and a link to ff just to make it go easier for me at least.

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