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Some People Annoy Me

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ok so yeah thers this network thing that im involved in and some of the people really annoy me theres this one guy who keeps filing complaints against one person and they're for the stupidest things. instead it goes to the head of the network, so far in all the complaints i've been right and i am in this one too why do people have to be so stupid when confronted with why all he says is "im not at liberty to discuss that with you" yeah right its me that the complaints are about the head of the network has enough stress as it is and doesnt need more, so do you think that this person could even talk to me first, no, of course not cuz hes rediculous, the head of the network said though that if this person keeps up hes gonna lose his spot on the network and id be happy about that because then there would be no complaints is he jealous? currently im the director and hes the co-director, is he trying to take my job? he wouldnt get it i know who would and it is not him i dont understand why people are so stupid about things. ugh so stressed! this is the 3rd complaint hes filed why cant he talk to me about stuff before he does this something could be worked out but no not at all....the head of the network dissappeared for a few days and this guy said that the director left him in charge...when the director got back i told him what this guy had said and the director got really mad because no it was i who was supposed to be in charge not him...AAAAAAAAYHHHHHHHH i wanna just scream at this guy and fire him myself. i cant tho. who knows maybe at some point i will idk. i'll post more later and keep this updated if i can!

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sometimes, you must assert yourself more to be heard. ;) have a one-on-one talk with that guy, and explain to him the chain of command in your organization... that as a co-director, you are to oversee people and your team and that includes him. and that anything and everything should pass through you, unless unavoidable (like absence, etc.), so as not to disrupt the flow of order. if he challenges your authority over him, then it is about time you make your own complaint to the one in charge over you as director (i suppose in your case, your network head). maybe he'll have a change of heart, and follow the chain of command, after he hears a complaint about him instead. ;) good luck! :D

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well ok heres an update the linking wasnt working so they disconnected it fine with me however one of the servers is a christain server and so they dont stay areound long thats why they wanted the link so it was talked about and they linked again this time it was decided that the top 4 admins meaning me, the network head and the 2 co-founders of the christian server would all need to talk about it and decide somethings. so this guy now doesnt like that hes not included and since im an admin on one server and sysop on the other he hates that i have a say so yesterday he lashed out at me over something so stupid if he doesnt watch the service bot is gonna kline him real quick like. and hes not gonna know who did it because we're usin the service bot from our server so hes tough out of luck. he still drives me insane and the one guy said he feels like a babysitter sometimes because we're always fighting he starts it i try to stay out of fights i dont like conflict but who knows...i hope that he gets fired cuz he drives me insane!

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ok correct me if I wrong about the whole situations its website right, cuz I almost think its a tv station the way your talking about networks and what not. If I where you I do this first embass him then ban him from the forums and then ban his Ip number so he can't get to any of the websites.But if the guys lives near you go beat the snot out of him and tell him to go get laid or something.of course these are only suggestions I can't be held responsible for any actions taken.

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Hehe, you're so good at ranting, Jesse XDPeople like that just kill me.. there are a few at work that seem to resent me because, although I'm young enough to be their child (or grandchild), I'm in charge of them. And although I'm as friendly as I can be, some people seem to think it's below them to listen to someone who is 19, just because they're 60.Some people just can't be reformed, though, I guess.. and if you can't fire them, all I've been able to do is ignore them.....that, or make a stealthy complaint to someone a few levels higher than either of you XD

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There are definatly people who just plain annoy me in my life. There is this kid who sits next to me in computer class. If you were to just come into that class you would never know he is there but when he gets bored he starts to annoy me for no reason day I go to computer class. I have to tell him to stop about every 5 minutes and he is quiet for probably half of that time. Some people just have no reason to annoy you but they do it anyways. If they don't know they are annoying you they don't know to stop but if you tell them they can and should stop. I feel sorry for you that guy in your networking job he sounds pretty bad.

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