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Internet Explorer- Http Error 500 Glitch. Read this article I made for more info.

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Intenet Explorer Glitch causes HTTP Error 500, which is then cached to become "permanent"!


In Internet Explorer (this occours in ALL versions by the way), the loading of the homepage can lag considerably if you open IE before connecting to any service. If you open up another page before the homepage loads, you'll more than likely get a "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error".


Due to the way Internet Explorer deals with pages, the error would be stored in a Cache when it happens. By default, Internet Explorer uses the Cached version of any page if available to speed up page loads. This causes IE to use outdated versions of websites at times and can be easily corrected by clicking the nice "Refresh" button.


However, if you got a "HTTP Error 500", because IE cached the page, you will keep getting this error whenever you visit the page, EVEN IF YOU REFRESH! This error is only corrected if you type in the URL of another page of the website, for example if you get this error when visiting blah.com you can correct it by typing blah.com/somepage and then work your way back to the glitched page.


If you are unable to access your site due to an Error 500, I'd advise you tried this before asking for help, as this isusually the problem. Thanks!


- The NDPA ;) .

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Why don't you use firefox? It's way better than IE. Other browsers cache pages too, but they're not stupid enough to cache their own error page. So Microsoft forgot to put some thought into IE again! This is what happens with a (not exactly) free product!

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Why don't you use firefox? It's way better than IE. Other browsers cache pages too, but they're not stupid enough to cache their own error page. So Microsoft forgot to put some thought into IE again! This is what happens with a (not exactly) free product!


Two things Pawipt:


1. This is not the place to discuss which is a better browser. This kind of conversation is totally irrelivant anywhere in Xisto.

2. It's Microsoft, what do you expect? ;);)


Besides, I do use Firefox - I discovered this when I was on one of my school computers. Strange how my school still insists on using IE even though the administrators know full well that Firefox is better...

Edited by NDPA (see edit history)

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Please take note that most people who are fluent in computers know that IE is not always the best choice of browsers. I'm getting this error on Win 2003 Terminal servers at least once a day where I work. Normally this would be something that I would like to avoid but we require to use IE because some of the applications that we use run off the .NET framework. It only works with IE so we don't have much of a choice.

Thanks for the information. It's helpful to know where the issue's are coming from. Now maybe I can setup some sort of GP to stop this from happening.

-reply by Kris Karl


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