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Set Your Printer To "organs Printing" Mode tissue and blood vessels printing

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I've posted once a topic about electrical circuits printed with special inks in thousands of layers to get a 3d object created...Remmember?

Now this is even sicker!!!Scientists plan to print organs with these special printers and special inks.I won't describ more as in the article it's very well explained and sketched.

The link to the article is:


Notice from jlhaslip:
I found that the link above goes to a "cover" page containing a whole bunch of topics. After finding the article, I am including a more direct link here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Edited by jlhaslip (see edit history)

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well im ure this technology is going to be very important once its been developed eough and perfected to a very low fault precentage. i mean imagin you have a band liver and you could just print a new one. i didnt actaly read the article but looking at the pictures and that diagram makes me think it wont be so hard to do thig. my question is just where would you get all the cells to use for printing a whole organ. and you would need the digital organ data to get a perfect organ. an maybe there are thing about the human body that we dont even know and will go horibly wrong if we try to replicate it. we are already cloning stuff. anyway thats my input on it. im intrested in what other people think about it. other views. please post what you think.

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nah i find it a waste of time and quite dangerous as well, and talk about the billions of bacteria that could get caught in all that printing. and the time line they are giving, it won't happen either 3-6 years to perfect the art of cloning organs through a printer will take longer then that cuz basically you got to be exact and guess what all organs are different in their own little ways.

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a printer for generating tissue, I don't know what they will invent next, a printer that can create blood? If this will help a lot of people in the future then I am all for it, better invent something that will be beneficial to mankind rather than making bombs.

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Right!I don't think though that this is going to be a 2050 year technology.It's going to be much earlyer because science evolves exponentially these days and it will develop every year faster.Remmember that we already have the Map of genes in human body,we have steam cells that can be cloned to prevent taking them from dead-born children as it was done not many years back.As about infecting with bacteria i don't think this will be a problem as first these printers won't work in every man's home but in hospitals and big research facilities and it isn't more difficult to prevent infection than prevent it in an ususal organ replacement.And the organ will be easier accepted by one's body it that particular ink is prepared let's say with his own steam clonned cells.I can't wait for this to get a mature technology as it coult save milons of lives and practically make the man a better quality life,making him live longer and avoid degenerative deseases.What about the milons of people suffering from herniated lumbar discs...what if we could print a such a bone one day?... ps:excuse my bad english:)

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The biggest difference is that lives are at stake if one's printing cartridge runs out in the middle of the process.As was said, I wouldn't hold my breath on this one. It will take decades to perfect, assuming it's even possible (it would have to be able to print almost instantly, else risk death of the already-printed cells, or possible contamination).

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yeap, quite true but i won't put my stamp on it, it might get there eventually. Anyway here's the sequel of my printing phisical items :"Missing a few brain cells? Print new one". this article demonstrates that it ins't just a fuss all this discution and shows that things really get speen in this direction. Just very courious about it :rolleyes:


It's just a pity we can't read the whole article as the site is subscription-based. Perhaps some of you have full access. See Ya.

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