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Do You Believe In Psychologic Tests? online tests about your personality

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can you trust in the psychologic tests you can find on the Internet?

i've been wasting time around BBC site, and they have some interesting stuff about it. i enjoyed it a lot, in special the spot the fake smile one.


well me, always being interested in psychology decided to take a look at the site, and you are right; it was interesting...


i took two of the tests. one said i was a mastermind and the other said i was very business minded....


so my conclusion was.....


the tests are full of it until i become a millionaire and prove my mastermind abilities...haha


anyway, what i believe is that when taking these tests, go in to it as entertainment. i doubt they will ever master a way to evaluate a person without ever meeting them. i think they can be used as a guide, but nothing more.


these tests remind me of a college class i had to take(group speech). you can always learn alot by how others see you. that can also be a guide to change anything about yourself you want to change...


for instance...over time people have told me things that i definately wanted to change about my self. for instance, i fart in my sleep....when i pick my nose i can go hours rolling in between my fingers while watching t.v.......for some reason, late at night and by myself i have been known to laugh at the computer waking people up from their sleep...you know, things like that. i feel i have a long way to go in what people have told me, but i try each day to better myself as a human being B)

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I don't really trust those psychologic tests. I can never know whether it is true or not.I took some of the tests in bbc site, and also the "spot the fake smile" (I spotted them all!). They are really fun but I don't believe that there is any connection to my MIND GENDER!

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Very interesting indeed. I do believe that these tests may hold some truths to some extent. The one about fake smiles would be one of them that I believe in. I took it and I did pretty good, got 17 out of 20 correct. I enjoyed taking that test as I am interested in pshychology and I love how you can mess with people's minds and get consistent results as long as you know what you're doing. Thanks a lot for this post, I would love seeing more posts as this one so I can take more tests that help reveal the human mind.

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Hell no, but then again I dont believe any personality tests ever I'ts just the way I am I'm not very big on psychology. I must say I've though I've done a few ones that were spookily accurate as to how I see myself can't remeber any of them though. I will also confess I haven't personally tried this one but I will give it a shot when I get bored, thanks for the link.

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Well I think that the tests are most for fun. But I would never trust these tests. I like to se if I pay attention to these smileys. But if you are thinking on something else. So there is no way that this is true. B)

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I don't believe in psychological test the same as I don't believe in the horoscope, that is to say there is not anything fixed for each person, each person it is different and their future and their personality doesn't determine it nobody only the one writes what can end up being capable or it cannot end up being capable.Memory also eats once I not made some psychological test wise well the procedure and I obtained a punctuation of 119 when i discovered the procedure obtiuve 129 and they were different questions.

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They are fun yes...but at the same time they do prove their point. I have taken psychology before and it is interesting and fun yet at the same time informative....This stuff is for real

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They are indeed fun after a while. But it's questionable whether if its real or not. Personally I dont trust many of those psychologic tests, for example, whether if there's a "connection".. I dont really know there and in some cases doesnt give a true reflection of what may happen.

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Psycology tests? Okay, that's a pretty general topic really. Just because there's so many out there. You've got your people who ask stupid questions entirely, some of those quizes are really just cute stuff, and they're supposed to just say whatever is supposed to sound good. Then, there's the personality quiz things that people put up who think they know what they're talking about, and really, their results aren't all that off base. But they aren't as well researched, and it's mostly just their opinion. There are no numbers or anything to fit what they are talking about. And then there are those that are based off of things that professors or the like come up with. They're really actually quite accurate in what they are talking about, and their findings are well based. But those are just some categories that I've found in looking around the net.


Off the net, there is a personality test that I've actually found to be pretty accurate, supposing you know what you're doing when you're taking it. It's a gut instinct thing, and once you're finished taking the test, you add up what all your results are. These two books, I've only read one of them though, are brilliant. One of my friends' mothers found, after reading them, that it was much easier to relate to people. She also found that what the book had to say was quite accurate, and on top of that, in knowing what things stand for, and then looking at people she knew, she was able to deduce what they were, and that's what helped her in understanding them better. In a sense, it was easier for her to realize that that was just how they were, and that some of their quirks were actually something that people like them had as a personality trait, as well as other such quirks being things that people like them often developed. It was almost like she got to know the basics of them better, making it so she could get to know them much better.


If anyone understood what I was saying, good. If not, sorry! It's not that she read it and suddenly the world was open to her, it's more that of something that she was able to use to get closer to people.


Please Understand Me

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I don't believe in tests conducted over the internet unless a psychologist recomends it(and I don't mean an unverifiable endorsement. I mean a psychologist reccomends it to you personally).

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it depends.. when the analyzation is perfomed by humans i think you can trust them.. but when it's done by computers with only multiple choice questions i doubt the honesty of it.anyway indeed it is fun doing them but don't let them control your life!

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The thing to remember about Psychology is that it is an inexact science that attempts to define the truth about humanity. Now, don't get me wrong, I respect the opinions of many veritable psychologists, and many individuals actually know what they're talking about. Here's the problem, not every psychologist is veritable, and many are simply looking for things that are profitable. These tests can be entertaining and even intriguing, but sometimes personality tests are about as accurate as the "What Disney Character Are You?" test in Disneyland. Enjoy them, share them, but don't ever shell out the big bucks for something that isn't credited.


On the other hand, some tests that you may like to consider are the Hartman Color Code test and the Holland Code test. Both are longstanding and have been improving for many years. And both can be found online for free. Just use your judgement when browsing online (because virtually anybody can put a website on the internet!)

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