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Thanksgiving Dinner cooking while you are sick. yuck

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For the people not in the US, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Big feast and all that.


My sister is intent on cooking up the meal alone, but she's got a nasty cold. She's been complaining, "I feel so horrible, I can hardly stand up. I'm so full of snot" (sorry)


Now, I told her that if she didn't feel up to it I could do the cooking. But she said, "Oh, no thank you, I think I can handle it."


Then I said, "It's really not a good idea to be cooking if you are sick."


So now she's annoyed at me and saying "oh, you don't want my cooties"


Well, no. I don't want her cooties. This is the one day of the year that the whole family will be sharing a meal and I really don't think it's a nice idea to know that we are all going to end up with the flu afterwards or something. If she does end up making everything, nobody is going to eat and that's extremely sad. It's a big waste of a lot of pie.

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I say just eat it and be thankful she is making a big effort to cook such a nice and big meal for this special occasion, even though she isn't felling well.So you might end up with the flu. They aren't that bad.

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For the people not in the US, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Big feast and all that.


My sister is intent on cooking up the meal alone, but she's got a nasty cold. She's been complaining, "I feel so horrible, I can hardly stand up. I'm so full of snot" (sorry)



don't forget to tell her to cover her mouth before she coughs on everyone's food


me, i'm spending thanksgiving away from my family for the first time ever. i used to live in california until recently. i now live in misery....er....missouri where i am now wishing i was back hope for the holidays. there hasn't been much to brag about here. i'm here for a girl though and she is out shopping for thanksgiving diner as i type right now so i just hope she has enough sense to buy the eggs for the deviled eggs and at least enough black olives for my 10 fingers.


i'm 37 now and still don't get old enough for THAT haha

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I take the getting sick over a big meal any daym but yeah its understandable that you don't want to get sick, heres a secret give her some sleep medicine and then wait for her to be knocked out and then you and other family members cook the dinner and then when its all done go wake her up and tell her that she fell asleep while making it.sneaky but could be effective. but don't be rude and not eat the dinner though I say take one for the team and be happy with it.

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I say just eat it and be thankful she is making a big effort to cook such a nice and big meal for this special occasion, even though she isn't felling well.

So you might end up with the flu. They aren't that bad.


be thankfull on thanksgiving? are you kidding?!?!?


anyway, i thought this was a place where we can take time out and not be thankfull for *#&%^$%

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i now live in misery....er....missouri  where i am now wishing i was back hope for the holidays. there hasn't been much to brag about here.


Is Missouri really that bad? I was born and raised here, and I <3 the Show Me State, hehe..

Although I guess it's understandable to be missing family ;.;



..ah, Brandice.. I'm paranoid about germs and stuff, I'd be scared to eat it, too.. although I guess I would in the end.

Just can't beat a happy meal with your family ^^


..honestly, though, I think SM has the right idea.. XD

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the drug and then wake her up saying she fell asleep at the table waiting for the turkey to be done., well I course i hear the flu season is going to one of those rough ones again, but havn't heard to much on it though.

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Usually my sister is the sort of person that'll ham it up so everyone will feel sorry for her when she is sick. Like if you had a cold hers would be worse, if you had the flu she would tell you that she had pneumonia. But when I told her maybe she shouldn't cook, she tried to hold it all in. So she cooked and I put a little of everything on my plate, ate some of it and told her it was all good. I saved room for the pie that just came out of a box :)

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Wow that is funny that you are complaining about maybe eatting someone's food who cooked it while they were sick. Come on...any meal that you dont have to cook yourself should be worshiped. I am a college student and cook ALL my own meals so when i get the chance, no matter what, to eat someone elses home cooked and great food i take it. Like, you may get sick but how many bacteria actually can withstand being in an oven for like 3 hours (which is how long a turkey cooks)? Not many so the odds are low so u might as well just enjoy the food.

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HAHA!How fun that you people have got thanksgiving day. There's nothing of that sort over here. I wish we celebrated thanksgiving just like you people do. Pfff...Anyways, you should be glad that she cooked for you, even though she's sick, lmao. Hopefully you didn't get infected because that'll suck big time. Sooo? how was the food? are you sick? lmaoo

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I didn't really eat very much of anything, so I am fine. some of the people who ate more are feeling sick, but that could just be because they were around her? I know it sounds awful to be bellyaching about such a thing. But when it comes to cooking for eveyone she is stubborn. I think she's afraid that if someone else cooks her husband might realize that, although she's a much better cook than his mom, she's not the greatest chef in the world. That's horrible, I know. I've got other issues with the girl than just what I've written here :) Oh, and I went in and carved myself a piece of turkey that was sort of underneath everything and untouched by my turkey carving brother-in-law that never washes his hands. The holidays are the perfect time to get all of the family issues out in the open. lol

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